Region: Trentino Alto Adige Province: Bolzano

Family & Genealogy
Build your family tree and find relatives in Nova Ponente
Dual Citizenship in Nova Ponente
How to get certificates for your Italian Citizenship
Nova Ponente and Bolzano in the World!
Where are today the families emigrated from Bolzano Province?
Buy properties in Nova Ponente
Property Listings & Houses for Sale in Nova Ponente
Best wines from Nova Ponente and Trentino Alto Adige region
Your wine list for a perfect italian dinner
Traditional food and delicacies from Nova Ponente
Typical products of Trentino Alto Adige region that you can’t miss
Old recipes from Trentino Alto Adige (From Grandma’s kitchen)
Old pictures of Nova Ponente
Old images from long time ago
Your trip to Nova Ponente
Visit Trentino Alto Adige, Bolzano and Nova Ponente!
Nova Ponente’s souvenirs shop Gifts from Italy
A virtual visit to Nova Ponente Visit your town and stroll all around with the map street view
Trentino Alto Adige on newsstands News about your Italian Region
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