Genealogy in Grotte

If you search your ancestors in Grotte, in the province of Agrigento, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Grotte

In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Agrigento province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Grotte town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Grotte, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Grotte during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Grotte to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Grotte too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Grotte from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Grotte. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Grotte archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Agrigento province are:
Alaimo, Amato, Argento, Arnone, Bellavia, Bono, Burgio, Butera, Cacciatore, Carlino, Castronovo, Ciaccio, Cipolla, Colletti, Costanza, Cuffaro, Cusumano, Di Caro, Ferraro, Gallo, Gambino, Giardina, Greco, Iacono, Indelicato, La Porta, La Rocca, Lauricella, Licata, Lombardo, Mangione, Maniscalco, Marino, Messina, Miceli, Montalbano, Morreale, Mule’, Palumbo, Patti, Piazza, Rizzo, Russo, Sanfilippo, Tuttolomondo, Vaccaro, Vella, Volpe.

Church Records in Grotte

Church archives in Agrigento province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Grotte on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Grotte:

B.M.V. DEL MONTE CARMELO – P.zza Umberto

S. ROCCO – P.zza Fratelli Bandiera

S. VENERA – P.zza Marconi

S. ROCCO – P.zza Fratelli Bandiera

Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Agrigento

Address: via Mazzini, 185 – Agrigento
Phone: +390922602400
Days and opening hours: from monday to friday 8.00 – 18.00; saturday 8.30 – 13.30. weekly closing: Sunday; no reservation

Archivio di Stato di Agrigento. Deposito sussidiario
Address: via Piersanti Mattarella, 237 – Agrigento
Phone: +39 0922602400
Days and opening hours: 9:00 – 13:00; no reservation

Archivio di Stato di Agrigento. Sezione di Sciacca
Address: via Figuli, 28/30 – Sciacca
Phone: 092524896
Days and opening hours: monday: 08,30-13,45 tuesday: 08,30-13,45;14,30-17,15 wednesday: 08,30-13,45 thursday: 08,30-13,45;14,3-17,15 friday: 08,30-13,45 saturday: 08,30-13,45 weekly closing: Sunday; no reservation

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Grotte area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Grotte feel free to leave a message below.

49 thoughts on “Genealogy in Grotte”

  1. Christine

    Is anyone researching the Cipolla family?

  2. Angele

    Can you find any information on
    My great grandpa: Isidore ingrao born 1849 married to Francesca ??

    His father ,My great- great grandpa Liberio ingrao married to Francesca ??

    Thank you

  3. Smore

    I am looking for information about ancestors of Salvatore Licata born 1894/5, according to a ship manifest Father Gppe Licata in Grotte and brother Guisseppe. Another hint, mother may be named Rosa. These names seem to be so common, I am having trouble nailing down anything through searches. I appreciate any help or hints about Salvatore’s parents.

  4. Rosemary

    I am looking for information on my grandfather and his family – Antonio Salvaggio born in Grotte in Jan 25 1877. I am traveling to Scicily and will be near Grotte May 19th and 20th 2023. Can you head in in the right direction to find birth certificates and any information.

  5. Dawn

    I am the 2nd great granddaughter of Calogero Lo Presti of Grotte

    My great grandfather was his son Samele LoPresti who married Calogera Neglia whose daughter was Salvatrice LoPresti who married Salvatore Astuto (Stuto) whose son was my father Alphonse.

  6. Bill

    I am looking for information on my Great Grandfather, Michele Arcangelo Giancola, born 8 May 1853 (according to family lore) in Grotte, Agrigento. He moved to Castelpetroso, Isernia some time before 1883 and married Rufina (Rose) Armenti (born 17 Jan 1857 in Castelpetroso). Arcangelo was a brick layer and immigrated to the US in 1893. Giancola and Armenti are common names in Castelpetroso.

  7. Rita

    I wonder if you have any information on my great grandfather, Alfonzo Mangione who immigrated to the United States with my great grandmother Concetta Mangione in 1915. They immigrated to Pittston, Pennsylvania with their family. Their son, my grandfather, Pietro Mangione was the first to immigrate to Pittston in 1912.

    I really appreciate any information you have to share. I hope to visit Grotte some time in 2022.

  8. Shelly

    Hello! Looking for LoPresti’s from Grotte! My Great-Grandfather was Angelo LoPresti, born 15 Aug 1988. He died in Jamestown, NY in 1978. He was married to Giuseppa (Josephine). They had two children born in Grotte, Mary and Charles, while the rest (Vincent, Emma Angelo, Bianca, and Grace) were all born in the US.

    I believe Angelo’s father was Calogero, born sometime in the 1850s and met one of his wives in Grotte. Any help is appreciated!

    1. Mark

      Hi Shelly,
      I have information ,pictures and history on Angelo LoPresti.
      I was one of many grandsons. Who are your parents?

      1. Shelly

        Hi Mark!
        My mother is Rebecca LoPresti. Her Father was Vincent LoPresti and Calogero was Vincent’s Father.

        1. Shelly

          Sorry.. Need to edit:
          My Mother: Rebecca LoPresti

          Her Father: Vincent LoPresti B 2 Sep 1928 Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, USA D2 Sep 1928 Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, USA

          His Father: Angelo LoPresti B 15 AUG 1888 Grotte, Agrigento, Sicilia, Italy D.1978 Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, USA

          Who are your parents Mark?

          His Father: Calogero LoPresti B1850 Caccamo, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy D (possibly) Lyons, Cook, Illinois, USA

    2. Dawn

      I am the 2nd great granddaughter of Calogero Lo Presti of Grotte My great grandfather was his son Samele LoPresti who married Calogera Neglia whose daughter was Salvatrice LoPresti who married Salvatore Astuto (Stuto) whose son was my father Alphonse.

      1. Shelly

        Hi Dawn!
        I honestly do not know how many children Calogero had. Do you know if or when he immigrated to the US? Or the names of any of his other children?


  9. Joseph

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any information on my great-great grandmother; Maria Cirino. She was born in Grotte, Sicily in 1893. She married my great-great grandfather; Leonardo LaRose in 1914 in the United States. Thank you!


    1. Tina

      Hi Joseph. This may not help you in your search, but who knows. The name Cirino is common in the Campabasso area. My great grandfather Antonio DiTillo married Maria Guiseppa Cirino in Montagano Italy.she was born 1854. The Cirino name is pretty common in that area. I have gotten back to 1685 on the Cirino name.

  10. joyce

    I am looking for the emmigration info on the Carlisi family of Grotte, Sicily. Need the year theycame to Us and then to Rochester,New York

    1. Matt

      Joyce – I am traveling to Grotte tomorrow. My business partner’s last name is Carlise, and he tells me he is descended from the Carlisi family in Grotte. Did you succeed in finding information?

    2. Holly

      Hello Joyce. This comment took me by complete surprise because I have information on this. I think I know the exact people you are talking about because I am related to them. Please contact me. This is really exciting!

  11. Laura

    My great great grandparents came over to Rochester, New York sometime around 1909. Their names were Louis Lombardo (born in 1882) and Marietta Rizzo (born in 1886). Louis and Marietta had six children in Rochester, NY, one of whom was my great grandfather Phillip Lombardo. I also know that they had cousins with the surname Bellavia. Louis, Marietta and all of their kids (other than Phillip) moved to California in the 1950s. Does anyone recognize their names? I am at a dead end.

    1. Danielle

      I’m also from Rochester, NY with family from Grotte thought they started in PA before moving up to Rochester! Sorry I don’t know about your family but felt a kinship to your lineage and story!

      1. Rosanne

        Wow! My grandfather ended up settling in PA…his nephew settled in Rochester, NY.
        They were from Grotte…last name Castronovo.

        1. Penny

          My Grandfather was Frank (Francesco)Castronova. He settled in PA. He came from Grotte maybe around 1915. He was a coal miner. I don’t know if we are related but it’s very interesting how your relative is also named Castronova and settled in PA

    2. Kelly

      I’m also a Rochester NY native with family from Grotte! Wow there’s so many of us, it can’t be coincidental. I am a Sciarratta, the family came from Grotte to Philadelphia then on to Rochester NY in the 1910s

  12. Sherri

    Hello, I am looking for information on my great-grandmother and great-great grandparents that were from Grotte and came to New York around 1915. Gaetano DiRosa married to Giovanna Mule and their daughter Marianna (Mary) DiRosa (or DeRosa, DiRose). My great grandmother Mary was around 15 went they left Grotte. Thank you.

  13. Steve

    Hello I’m trying to find out where my grandfather Stefano boscarino lived in Grotte back in 1920. In 1920 he was 16 years old and left for America
    Anyone that can help I would appreciate it
    Thank you and god bless

  14. charles

    my grandfather was Cologero Arnone come to us possibly 1895-2010. He was a police officer in Grotte workedvin coal mines close to punxitauny pennsilvania

  15. Orlando

    Hello, I am told my Grandfather was from Grotte and came to America around 1900 or 1910. His Surname was Fantuzzo and his given name was Cologito. I am planning to visit in the Spring 2020. What do I do and who can help me?

  16. Christine

    I believe my Grandfather came from Grotte to New York in 1906 he changed his last name from Lauria to Laury his first name was John is Lauria a common name in that area? Any information would be helpful i’ve not had much luck finding anything about him. Thank you, Christine

  17. Federico

    My surname is Criminisi and it is from Grotte, Agrigento. Does anyone have any info on this surname? My grandfather is called Francesco Criminisi.

  18. Rob

    Hi there. My grandfather was Charles Marchese, born in Grotte I believe in 1904. Immigrated to Niagara Falls, then Rochester NY. His dad is listed as John Marchese, moms name is Biagio Farrugia looking for any info on him. Thank you.

  19. Tony

    Looking for a record of Francesco Trapanese, born August 23, 1891 in Grotte. Can anyone in the area help?

  20. Melissa

    My great-grandfather, Amodeo Aquilina, emigrated to the US in 1907. He traveled with Vincenzo Ingoglia, and they were going to stay with Calogero Morreale in Rochester NY. I would like to know who are my relatives who remain in Grotte today?

    1. Joe

      All the surnames you mentioned are grottese names,
      I am from grotte, but living in London now. What information are you looking for?
      I have so many great memories

    2. Angelo

      My great grandfather’s name was Nicholas Costanza and he emigrated from Grotte and settled down in Rochester, NY too, which is where I was born and currently live. There must have been a large population of Sicilian immigrants from Grotte living in Rochester…

      1. John

        My uncle and my grandmother were named costanza.they were raised be there grandparents.there parents being name is john agnello

        1. Alexa

          My grandfather was Domenic Costanza who married Florence Lamendola, who was related to the Morreale family in Agrigento. We hope to visit Agrigento in the next few years and want to track down any family members of Domenick Costanza, who served in WW2 and settled in Western Pennsylvania in the coal mines.

          1. Kelly

            My grandfather was Salvatore Lamendola and he was married to Vincenza Costanza. They are both from Grotte, and immigrated to Arnold, Pennsylvania. Many Costanzas, Licatas, Butera, Cippolas moved to that town.
            Also, my husband’s family coincidentally is from the same village of Grotte. Our last name is Boscarino.

      2. Tom

        My grandfather Charlie Frisicano was from Grotte, he came to Rochester by in 190? and married Pauline Rizzo whose family came from Serra do Falco, Charlie had brothers Peter, Tony, Victor and sister Rose (Infantino). The youngest sister never emigrated, I think her name was Annunciatta. Would love to know if any Rochester connections.

    3. Rosanne Castronovo

      My grandparents were in Rochester in 1927….my grandma had a relative Calogero Morreale! Her maiden name was Chianello

      1. Rosanne

        Carlisi Calogero was grandmothers mother
        Guiseppa Morriala was grandfather’s mother.
        Maybe my grand,as spelling was off?

  21. Mindy

    Looking for info on the Ciraolo and Provenza families from Grotte. Left for the US throughout the 1910s and 20s.

  22. Laura

    My grandfather came to the United States in the 1920’s. His father’s name was Michael or Michaelangelo and his mother’s name was Antionette. His name was Colagaro or Charles in English. His sisters Mary and Celila came over in the 1920’s also, but he had some sisters that stayed in Grotte. I am wondering if we have any relatives left in Grotte? The only other things that I know is that his father owned land with orange and olive groves. My grandfather was trained as a cobbler in Sicily in the 1910’s, I think.

  23. Alex

    Am trying to trace Francesco Bellavia, prisoner of war in England 1944/5. DOB approx 1920. Resident of George.

    1. Diana

      My grandmother’s brother’s name was Francesco Bellavia, Not sure if this is the same man. He came to Rochester, Ny for a short time and then moved back to Grotte. My grandmothers name was Josephine in american and she had a few sisters and the one brother. All of my grandparents were from Grotte and so was my father.

    2. Alexa

      I had an aunt Mary Bellavia in Western Pennslyvania, who was formerly a Lamendola…

    3. Amy

      My grandmothers maiden name was Guiseppa Bellavia. I know very little about her. She married my grandfather Guiseppe Volpe. They had 3 children, Joseph, Carmela and my father Onefrio Volpe who later changed his name to Harry. He was a popular guitar player. I’d love to find out more about my grandmother. I believe she came from Grotte. I know Guiseppe was and the children were raised there. I believe she had several siblings.

  24. Valerio

    salve vorrei conoscere il censimento a ritroso del paese di grotte per andare ad individuare i miei antenati

  25. Barbara

    Are you in Grotte? We are here until Monday. What do you charge to help us look and translate the docs in the civil or church records. Thanks

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