If you want to request official documents about your ancestors for Italian Citizenship in Albairate Milano province in region Lombardia in Italy you have to address your request to Civil Registry Office of Albairate (in Italian Ufficio di Stato Civile) to get the necessary documentation you need for the application.
You can try to request certificates by yourself writing to the Town Hall – Comune. This is the address of the right office in Albairate:
Ufficio di Stato Civile
Via Cesare Battisti,2
20080 – Albairate
Another useful address you should have is the Prefecture in Milano. This is where you have to ask to get apostille on each certificate (ie. the Endorsment, the formality provided for by The Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 for the recognition of foreign documents).
In case you need the apostille, the Prefecture is in Milano and the address is:
Prefettura di Milano
Corso Monforte, 31
20122 – Milano
Italia – Italy
Anyway dealing with Public Administration expecially from abroad can be not an easy task ( read more here )
But… no reason to give up!
If you want our local representative in the area is ready to help you and get the document for you in a faster way.
Here you can read some good reasons to choose us.
In this way the entire process will be faster and you will get easily at home the certificates you need.
Our local researcher will contact directly the Ufficio di Stato Civile of Albairate on your behalf and he will manage the whole communication with the officers.
Then if it’s needed in your case, he will travel to the Prefecture in Milano to get ‘apostille’ on each certificate.
Finally, he will send the original (and apostilled if required) copies of your certificates by registered mail (providing you the tracking number) to your address.
Would you like to know more about how it works?
Not sure of the exact documents you need to complete a successful application?
If you have questions like these or if you are interested to know more about our services feel free to send your request and ask for a quote