Genealogy in Supino

If you search your ancestors in Supino, in the province of Frosinone, Lazio region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Supino

In towns and villages of Lazio and in Frosinone province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Supino town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Supino, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Supino during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Supino to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Lazio and of course in Supino too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Supino from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Supino. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Supino archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Frosinone province are:
Alonzi, Bianchi, Campoli, Carnevale, De Santis, Evangelista, Fiorini, Gabriele, Iafrate, Lisi, Mancini, Martini, Palombo, Rea, Ricci, Rossi, Scaccia, Spaziani, Valente, Venditti.

Church Records in Supino

Church archives in Frosinone province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Lazio started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Supino on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Supino:

S. MARIA MAGGIORE – P.zza Santa Maria

S. NICOLA – P.zza San Nicola

S. PIETRO APOSTOLO – P.zza San Pietro

Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Supino area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Supino feel free to leave a message below.

86 thoughts on “Genealogy in Supino”

  1. Silvio

    My mom Elsa was born in Supino along with her 2 sisters and 2 bothers: Mafalda, Pasquale, Alberta, and Roberto. My grandmother Maria is a Bernola. They all immigrated to Montreal in the early 50’s. My father Hector aka “Coco” to many was born in Argentina however my grandmother “Angelina Pietrandrea” was also born in Supino. I am sure there are many in this communication thread I am related to!!

    1. Gigliola

      I think your family lived on Taillon street in Montreal. I know them. Alberta lives close to my house. There is a third sibling called Sandra. I grew up with her. Maria had Sandra when her other children were all grown up.

  2. Mark

    My Grandfather was Lorenzo William DeSantis and born in Supino around 1910. Our family is planning to visit in May 2024 and looking to see if there are relatives living there.

    1. Gigliola

      My mother is a desantis born in supino. My grandfather was renaldo desantis , born in supino. He moved to Canada in the 50s. He married my grandmother, Giuseppe boni in supino. You should find quite few desantis in supino.

      1. Mark

        Thank you. My great-grandmother was Angelina Colletta also born in Supino. We are excited to return to where my grandfather was born.

  3. Marcello

    My Nonno was named Egidio Marocco, he was born in Supino in the 1920’s. He immigrated to Toronto Canada in the late 1950’s and then brought my dad and siblings over.

  4. Frances

    Salve, my family and I are looking for relatives related to my grandfather, Dominico Fiaschetti. He was born here and later left to St. Johnsville, New York. We are in Italy and might visit soon. Grazie Mille.

    1. Gigliola

      My neighbor , and paesano, and good friend of my family was angelino fiaschetti. He passed away over 10 years ago. His daughter Elvira was my grade 7 teacher. She also passed away over 10 years ago. Angelino has a son named Sergio fiaschetti that is still alive and still lives in Montreal (close to where I Live). If you google Sergio, you will find his telephone number. He may know some things about the fiaschetti family from supino,

  5. Lisa

    My grandfather, Vincenzo D’Alessandro, came to the US from Supino in about 1910. He was born in 1887. Trying to locate any family.

  6. Pamela

    I’m trying to find information and relatives of the Cerilli family who were from Supino some came to American in the early 1900’s.. Can anyone help me. Please and thank you.

    1. Christina

      Hi Pamela, my great grandmother was Giuseppa (Rosa) Cerilli, she was one of 6 girls ( Augusta, Dominica, Maria A., Angelina, & Felicita ) born to Marco Cerilli & Caterina Nalli. Augusta, Angelina, & Felicita came to America also their adopted brother Virgilio Vergolini came to to the states, they other adopted brother Pietro ( I don’t know his last name) remained in Italy….I am trying to figure out our tree and am having a hard time finding any records of anything on Marco Cerilli, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters etc…

      1. Tom

        Hi Christina,

        I have the birth record of Caterina Nalli if that helps you.

    2. Christina

      Hi Pamela, my great grandmother was Giuseppa (Rosa) Cerilli, she was one of 6 daughters (Domenica, Angelina, Augusta, Felicita, and Maria A. ) born to Marco Cerilli & Caterina Nalli….Angelina, Augusta, Felicita, immigrated to America in the early 1900s they also had two adopted sons Virgilio Vergolini that came to the states …..I believe the married names are Spaziani, Cianchetti and Faraone that came to America…..In starting to do our family tree I have found out that their are many Cerilli’s that come from Supino, I am having a hard time myself trying to find any information on Marco Cerilli (parents, brothers, sisters, birth, death or marriage certificate) Good luck to you

    3. Gigliola

      My family name is Cerilli. My father is 87. We live in Montreal. He had a brother that immigrated to Toronto, and a sister that stayed in supino. Both passed away. My grandparents were anselmo Cerilli, and Domenica Caprara . They are both buried in supino. My aunt’s children, a son and daughter, both passed away in Supino, very recently. My cousin, Gino Nalli, the son of my aunt has only one child. A daughter named Anna Nalli.
      This is all I know. But, if you are interested I can ask my father for more information.
      I know that the house my father was born in, and grew up in, has been in my grandmother’s family for about 200 years. I slept there twice. The house went to Gino she wife and daughter Anna.
      I hope this helps

  7. Rico

    I would like to see a record of house fires in Supino. My Grandmother”s siblings died in a fire there while her parents were away, and they never came back.

  8. Eileen

    My maternal grandparents Rocco Zuccaro and Luisa Tomei. My paternal grandparents Cataldo Zuccaro and Roseangela Icaboni. I am also related to the Boni and Bernola families. I am just getting started on this. My cousins own Spartacus Bar in Supino. They also own a restaurant but I don’t know the name. The owners are twins of Ida and Julio (last name escapes me at this time)

    1. Gary

      Hi Eileen,

      Rocco and Luisa are my Great Uncle and Aunt. They actually Christened my sister in 1956. Do you live in the Detroit area or Burgettstown are?


    2. Diane

      Hello Eileen
      My Grandmother was Ermenia Schietroma who was married to Emilio Iacoboni in the USA. She died at age 25. I believe we are related. Faint memories of Aunt Roseagela and the Zuccaro family.

      1. Catherine

        Schietroma were relatives. Are you from Troy, New York?

    3. Diane

      Diane Schietroma – Iacoboni – Lovisa – Grandmother Ermenia Schietroma.

  9. Madison

    Hi, I’m looking for information on Umberto Giordani who I believe was born in Supino in 1879 (perhaps 1880 or 1881, I have some conflicting documents). His parents were Giuseppe and Aguesia (Celini) Giordani. He may have had a sister (Plautilla?) born around 1872. Ultimately, I’m looking for a record of birth, but any information would be appreciated!

  10. Gregorio

    I am trying to find my great grandfather’s name, his son name was gregorio caprara.

    1. Catherine

      Gregorio, My great grandmother’s name was Flavia Caprara. She was married to Vincenzo Bernardi and they had six living children (Romolo, Adelina, Clementina, Camiilo, Remo, and Antonio …Antonio was a priest). None of them were named Gregorio. Perhaps they were related? Cousins? I don’t know. I have no more information beyond that.

      1. Christina

        Hi Catherine, my great grandfather was Mario Merpi, the adopted son of Giovanni Nalli & Clementina Caprara…do you have any idea of how he came to them ?? I have been trying to find any record of his birth and unfortunately when I search the record “nati” for Supino the year 1891 is not loaded….if you’re able to shed any light on this it would be most appreciated…thanks.

  11. Linda

    My father was born in supino, Italy in September of 1914. His name was “Eudimio Marocco”. Son of Clelia and Joseph Marocco became a young detroiter at the age of five. I would like to know if his first name “Eudimio” is Italian or spanish?

    1. Nancy

      Hi Linda, I think it’s Italian.

    2. Bernie

      Greetings Linda; my father, Firminio, was born in Supino in 1921. His parents were Giuseppe and Maria (Cellini) Marocco. My great grandparents on my father’s side were Paolo and Luisa (Peruzzi) Marocco. Paolo’s parents were Domenico and Antonia (Iacobucci) Marocco. I believe Paolo had siblings and I was wondering if and how we may be related.

      1. Rachel

        Hi Bernie,

        I am responding because my father was born in 1921 in Supino, Alceste Iacobucci. He later changed his name. His parents were Anthony Domineco Iacobucci and Rosa (Scarsellone).

      2. Tony

        I have a Great Great Grandmother from Supino Italy named Maria Felicia Cellini. She was married to my Great Great Grandfather, Arcagelo Barletta. She was born in 1860 and died 1913. I visited Italy and took a picture of a tombstone bearing her name as well as the name of Barletta. The tombstone did not show any dates, but it have her picture as well as those apparently buried with her. Those names included Giuseppe and Atonio. She also has her name on a tombstone in the USA, where Arcangelo was buried. I don’t think she ever visited here, buy he migrated here in the early 1900s.

  12. Bono

    Does anyone have information on the Bonomi family from Supino?

    1. Emily

      Hi! I am looking to find out some information on my husband’s family. Angelino & Lorenzina Agostini from Supino. Angelino (born in 1930) immigrated to Canada in approximately 1946/1947. His wife (born in 1936) followed after they were married by paper. Angelino’s parents were Vincenzo and Rosa Agostini and Lorenzina’s were Rocco & Anita Agostini. I don’t know the maiden names of Rosa or Anita.

      Thank you in advance!

    2. PJ

      Domenic Bonomi, lived in Quincy Mass.
      Married Monica Comoletti

    3. Carla

      Are you sure it isn’t Bonanni? My cousins are Bonanni. I’m related to their Pietrandrea side through their mother Paulina Pietrandrea who married a Bonanni.

      1. Nick

        My nonno Nicola Bonanni married Angelina Bonomi/Mancini they came to USA from Supino

      2. Pj

        Different family. I also had Bonome and Bonanno families in this area

    4. Nick

      My Great Grandmother is Anna Bonomi from Supino. Would love to know more information too.

  13. Anastasia

    Good afternoon,

    I am doing genealogy on my paternal grandmothers family and seem to have come to a halt. Not sure if US Census takers, at the time, misspelled the names, but I cannot seem to find anything on my grandmas family.

    My grandmas maiden name: Mahn (german)
    My great grandmas maiden name: De Scalco/Di Scalco, first name Louisa/Louise.
    My 2nd great grandmas maiden name: De Andreanis/Deandreanais, first name Terace/Teresa/Theresa.

    I know on 2nd great grandfather, Francesco (Frank) De Scalco came from Supino Italy to New York to meet cousin Archangelo and Assunta Pro. After looking into Assunta Pro, I discovered her maiden name being Dal Prà. She was born in Velo D’Astico, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy. I’m not sure if the true cousin is Assunta or Archangelo, or if it is to Frank or Teresa. The Descalco’s listed the Pro’s as cousins on the 1907 Passenger list aboard the SS Caroline from Havre (assuming France).

    I’m not sure if anyone can help with this, I would appreciate any leads!

    1. Laura

      Hi Anastasia,

      It sounds like we are cousins. Louise DiScalco Mahn, was my father’s sister. Their mother was Teresa DeAndreanis, who was b. August 22, 1886-d. September 18? 1952 (51?) in Corfu, NY. She was born near Chateau de Frontenac, France. Married at age 15. Travelled from France to Italy, bore two children in Italy–Pietro (Peter) and Aguilinio (Bill). Arrived in US November 21, 1910. Married Francesco (Frank) DiScalco, b. 1884 Lupino, Italy. Frank DiScalco was killed in a marble quarry accident in either Rutland or Poultny, Vermont, both in Rutland County, Vermont.

      Hope this helps!



    2. Dereck

      I’m looking for information on my great grandparents. Patrina (Martini) Santia and Patsy Santia. I live in Aliquippa, PA.

      1. Lisa Ann

        They were my aunt and uncle. I can tell you about the Santia side but have limited knowledge of the Martini side

      2. JoAnn

        I live not too far from Aliquippa. Patrina was my father’s first cousin he lived in Greensburg. Her mother was Zia Antonia she was my grandmothers sister. My fathers name was Angelina cerilli.

      3. Carla

        My Grandmother was a Santia. Her name was Armida Santia and married Domenico Pietrandrea

    3. Kenny

      I was looking up some info on my late mother and came across your post. My mother’s mother was Theresa DeAndreanis. She was married to Dominic Loffredo; but, I think she was also married at one time to a gentleman with the last name of DeScalco; as, my mother had half sisters and brothers with that last name. Her brothers were Peter, Frank, and I think Bill. She had sisters named Anne, Dell, and Louise. I may not be completely accurate on all names as we lived in Louisiana all our lives and didn’t get to meet many of my mother’s side of the family. I believe most lived in the New York area; however, I recall my mother saying one sister lived in Washington State and one(Anne) in Corfu, New York.

      Hope this is helpful.

    4. Tony

      Hello Anastasia,
      I think I have some information that will be helpful to you. Assunta Pro is my great grandmother. Her son Ambrogio is my grandfather and his older brother was Arcangelo. My grandfather was 16 when he came over to the US on the SS Caroline in 1909. Francesco De Scalco accompanied him on a long train trip to Le Harve and on the transatlantic voyage. They did in fact sail from France for reasons I can explain offline. Francesco refers to Assunta Pro as his near relation in Italy and states that he is going to see his cousin Arcangelo. I have additional information on the De Scalco family and much more on the Pros. Please contact me if you can. I have been doing research on my family as well and it would be great to compare notes.

  14. Krystal

    Looking for information on my great grandparents who were born and raised in supino, before immigrating to NY. Maria “Mary” Coletta born March 9, 1898. Giovanni Mastrofrancesco was born on April 5, 1896, in Supino, Frosinone, Italy, the son of Lorenzo. He had two sons and two daughters with Mary Colletta between 1921 and 1930. He died on July 10, 1970, in St Johnsville, New York, at the age of 74.

    1. Bernie

      Krystal, if you haven’t already researched the Mastrofrancesco families of St. Johnsville, NY, some of them had shortened their surname to Francisco. A 2018 book archiving some of the Italian families of St. Johnsville has been written by Cora Lee Palma. It’s called ‘Web of Italian Intrigue; A Legacy of St. Johnsville Immigrants’. Giovanni Mastrofrancesco is mentioned in the book. I am also related to the Mastrofrancesco family though I’m not sure if it’s through my paternal Marocco side or my maternal Piroli/Zuccaro side since all of them were from Supino.

    2. Rebecca

      I am from Saint Johnsville NY and would like to help you if I can. I have access to cemetery records and we have a wonderful 100yr old Italian man who remembers everyone.

  15. Gary

    My Grandfather Gaudenzo Boni was born in Supino in 1909, His father was Giovanni Boni, son of Rocco Boni and mother was Domenica Tomei. His mother was Giuseppina Zuccaro, dauther of Agostino Zuccaro and mother Maria Tomei. Gaudenzio as a child migrated to the US in 1911 with Giovanni and Giuseppina. I know they lived in Supino based immigration paperwork and birth records. I am trying to find if I have ny family still living in Supino.

    1. Ron

      Where did your grandfather live in the US?

      1. Gary

        Hey Ron,

        Sorry, I didn’t realize someone responded. It would be nice if emails were sent out when someone responds.

        My grandfather lived in Burgettstown, PA. Most Boni’s moved there with a few moving to Detroit as well as the Zuccaro Family.


  16. Christopher

    My Grandparents and Great Grandparents are all from Supino. Rocco Zuccaro- son of Ottavio Zuccaro and Maria Paluzzi. Solidea Casoli- daughter of Gustavo Casoli and Elvira Gismondi. Giovanni Tomei- son of Paulo Tomei and Domenica (Delassandris)? Maria Mastrofrancesco- daughter of Francesco Mastrofrancesco and Josephine (Depaolis)? Her brothers were Fiorello and Luigi. Any information from Supino would be awesome. The last names I am unsure of are in parenthesis. Thanks.

    1. Melissa

      I believe are related to the Zuccaro family from Supino. My maternal grandparents are from Supino. Last names are Fiaschetti and Cirelli.

  17. Pamela

    Looking for any family members…grandfather giuseppe Marocco married my grandmother Clelia Colonna. Lived in via selche in Supino. Grandfather born May 5 1885. Grandmother born November 26, 1894. She has a twin sister Ferdilinda Colonna. Grandparents came to America in early 1920s…first my grandfather then my grandmother and her 5 year old son Eudimio Marocco. Arrival in America 12-24 around 1921.Any friends or relatives I’m very interested in knowing you.

    1. Linda

      Yes. My father was born in supino, Italy in September of 1914. His name was “Eudimio Marocco”. Son of Clelia and Joseph Marocco became a young detroiter at the age of five. I would like to know if his first name “Eudimio” is Italian or spanish?

    2. Nanceria

      Hi Pamela, I am your cousin, Nanceria!

  18. Amanda

    Coming to italy in September and would like to know if I have any relatives still in Supino, Frosinone . My grand father was Giovanni Battisti, born there in 1895 and my grand mother was Enrica Arduini or orduini born there too.
    My great grand grandparents were and Francisco Battisti,
    severino Arduini , Lucidi Lucia and Guiseppina Dalessandri.

    1. Cesare

      I was born in Supino on 3 May 1947 my grand father name was Giuseppe Battisti he went to America with his brothers ,but come back to Supino after many trips back n forth, may grandmother name was Elvira Mastrofrancesco maiden name, they lived in la piazza del Erba ,my grandparents ha seven children ,six boys one girl,one the boy name Oreste was kill in Russia in the Second World War

      1. Beverly

        My Grandfather was born in Italy in 1890his name was Amadeo Battisti. That is all I know about him he came to NY, USA around 1917, that is all the info I have. His wife was Rose Cellini, I think also from Supino. If anyone has any info, that wud be great.

        1. Bernie

          HI Beverly, if you have since uncovered any information about your grandmother Rose Cellini, I would appreciate you sharing it. We have not been able to find much information on the Cellini side of our family. My grandmother was Maria Cellini. She had a sister Anna and a brother (name unknown) killed in WW II. Anna was born in 1894 in Supino. She immigrated to the US, married Rocco Nalli (also Supinese) and they lived in Fort Plain, NY. My Grandmother Maria Cellini; born in Supino in 1896 married Giuseppi Marocco. She lived out her life in Supino. Their parents (my great grandparents ) names were Giuseppi Cellini and Angela Maria Piroli.

          1. Sarah

            I believe we are related also! On my father’s maternal side was my great grandmother was Erminia Cellini and I believe her parents were Giovanni Cillini and Rose Angeline Batistti. I think that Giovanni’s parents were Vincenzo Cellini and Marie Pullizzie. Giovanni’s siblings were Peter and Maria. I believe Rose’s father was Alessandro Batissti.

            On my father’s paternal side was my great grandfather Antonio Marchioni. His parents were Luigi Marchone and Felice Nalli. I think that Luigi’s father was Giuseppe Marchone. I think that Felice’s parents were Lorenzo Nalli and Carmina.

            I don’t have much information for any of my 2x great grandparents or anything further. I believe that all of my relatives were in Supino.

          2. Gigliola

            Cellini is a common name in supino.
            My aunt married sante Cellini. The Cellini families had a lot of children. My uncle sante,
            Had a nun sister called elisabeta. She passed away in Rome. She lived in many places and I used to correspond with her.
            The name piroli was my godfather Mario’s name. He was adopted.

            But, I have to say, I went to a funeral in Toronto in 2016, and I never saw si many supinese.
            I also found out a lot of people are related .
            There were only so many people in supino, and relatives used to marry each other.
            You will be surprised.

      2. Catherine

        I’m just now looking at this note (June 5, 2020). My grandmother (Caterina Mastrofrancesco Bernardi) was your grandmother’s, Elvira Mastrofrncesco Battisti’s, sister. We are related.

        1. Catherine

          Cesare: Unfortunately, you haven’t been back to this site. I look at it periodically just in case you return to it. My father, Eraldo, told me about Oreste. If you do come back to see this site let me know how to get in touch with you. June 20, 2021.

    2. Shelley

      Hi my name is Shelley. I have been researching the Arduini family also. My husbands great grandfather was a brother to Enrica. If I can be of assistance to you please let me know.

  19. norinne

    I am Norinne and believe I have relatives in Supino. My grandmother’s maiden name is Zuccaro and mother’s maiden name Marocco. Hope to visit soon.

    1. Carla

      My mother was born in Supino and I know there are still Zuccaro’s who live there.

    2. Jackie

      My grandmother’s maiden name was Zuccaro. She married my grandfather Domenic Piroli. Interesting with the Marocco addition, because their daughter (my aunt) married Firminio Marocco.

    3. Maurice

      Zuccaro is fairly common in Supino: I still have a cousin (Darío) living there. His mother was Maria Fiaschetti and father was Guerino Zuccaro.

  20. Maria Pia

    Hello there, I would say that we are related my Grandfather was Pio Boni and lived in Supino in Via Ortelle your Grandmother and my grandfather were brother and sister. My AUnt DOra still lives in the family home I go to italy every 2 years as all the famiily is there.

    1. Gigliola

      I think we are related. My great grandfather was cataldo boni, via ortelle. He passed away in 1978 in supino.
      He has one grandson left in supino, living in the house of via ortelle. His name is Aldo.
      My nephew met him this summer. He is very welcoming if you ever go visit.

  21. Amelia

    Looking for a birth records for Antonio Agostini, born in January of 1875. Also, his wife Cataldina Tolfa Agostini born in 1890 and daughter of Antonio Tolfa (I have heard that Antonio Tolfa was the mayor of Supino when Cataldina was young, but I don’t know for sure). Both were born in Supino. Looking specifically for birth and marriage records but anything would be helpful.
    Thank you!

  22. Glenn

    Cesidio Coletti mar. Gertrude Foglietta and raised four sons in Supino
    Peter born 1871 ? mar. Mary Travaglio
    Paul born Nov. 30, 1872-Nov. 25, 1945-Swampscott, Ma. Mar. Nellie Ingalls Pedrick
    Vincenzo Coletti Mar. 8, l874-June 25, 1914 mar. Romelia Paluzzi
    Francesco Coletti 1876????- 1907???? mar. Paluzzi had dau. Delia

    Cesidio Coletti’s family originated in San Donato, Italy I believe.
    I am told that both Cesidio and Gertrude are buried in the Foglietta mausoleum in
    Supino. Do you know the dates of birth and death and we desperately would like
    a picture of Cesidio who died I beleive in the late 1890’s.

    Glenn A. Messinger 1008 Paradise Rd 2-K, Swampscott, Ma. Tel: 781-595-4167

    Everybody but Francesco and his parents emigrated to the U.S.

    1. Carole

      My Grandmother was Ermilinda Germano. She emigrated to Massachusetts with her parents, Giuseppe (1862 – 1944) and Loretta (1872 – 1944) (Pacifici) DePavolus- Foglietta. Her siblings were Emil, Natalina, Geremia, Rupert, Gladys & Lydia.

  23. Barry

    Grandparents born in Supino,Italy in the late 1800’s. Anthony Casali and his wife Regina but don’t know her maiden name. Moved to Aliquippa, Pennsylvania in early 1900. Would like to know any living relatives in Supino,Italy

  24. Marie

    Great-grandparents were born in Supino. Their names were Antonio Demeis (Dimes) and Ceresa Demeis (neé Terirsi). They had two daughters, listed on the British passport as Italy and Adelia.

    1. Alberto

      Hi Marie , my great uncle peppo Piroli married peppa demais they were in England for a while and moved back to supino

  25. Cheryl

    My grandfather was Edmondo Boni and my Grandmother, Cornelia Bernardi Boni. Both were born in Supino around 1910. Any information on their siblings and parents would be appreciated!

    1. Gigliola cerilli

      MY grandmother was giussepina boni from supino. She passed in august 1991 in Montreal. Her father was cataldo boni, he passed in 1978, and was close to 90. The house he owned in les ortelle is still in the family. It went to my grandmother’s brother alfredo boni. Then it went to aldo boni, his only surviving son. I believe he is still alive. He had twin boys and lives in this him, but he only speaks Italian.

      1. Cheryl

        Thanks for responding!! I’m just seeing this in January 2019. We may be related…I think Cataldo was my great grandfather Silvestro Boni’s brother. The name Aldo is also familiar.
        Here’s my paternal side:
        Edmond Boni(my dad, Born in 1937)
        Edmondo Boni Born in 1909 in Supino
        Silvestro Boni born around 1880 in Supino
        Cataldo Boni(not sure of birthdate) born in Supino

        Also, my grandmother, Cornelia Bernardi Boni was born in Supino in 1910.

        Both my grandfather and grandmother had siblings who remainied in Supino

        Any information would be appreciated.

        1. Gigliola

          I am certain that If you go back to supino, you will easily meet people who know the different families and what part of supino they come from. And often the houses and land stay in the family. They will also show you the people who passed that are at campo Santo, the cemetery. supino is really not that big, and the people that live there are offsprings of the families that lived there.good luck

  26. Linda

    I am planning a trip to Italy in September 2016 and will be coming to Supino. My grandfather. Emilio Iacoboni and my father Mario Iacoboni were born in the town of Supino. I would like to know what neighborhood they lived in and if there are still relatives living there. Any assistance you could give me would be helpful. Thank you, Linda.

    I also have my fathers birth certificate.

  27. Angeline

    Father born Supino,Amerigo Foglietta, prob maybe 1900 Father Ettore Foglietta Mother Angeline Schietroma, This information from army records found. Married in Detroit 1927 to Modesto Corona, died accident Sept 1932 Children Ettore Fogliletta andAngeline Foglietta, Contacted Mayor Alessandro Foglietta, says no relation. I am Angeline Folietta Siver *(84) yrs. would like my children and grandchildren to know if any relatives still in Supino.

    1. Carla

      My great grandmothers were both Schietroma.

      1. Maurice

        Don’t personally know them, however, Schietroma was the name of a pharmacist and a priest in Supino.

        1. Angeline

          I am Angeline Foglietta Siver who asked in 2015 for relatives found out more since then. Father Amerigo Foglietta married my mother Madeline Corona Grandfather Ettore Foglietta married Angeline Schietroma great grandfather is Francesco Foglietta married to Anna Luttgardi (not sure of spelling) hoping for any relatives in Supino. Do have cousin Gastone Foglietta daughter Simone who I lost their address in Frosinone.

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