Udine and its Province in the World!

Is it possible to know where descendants of Friulani emigrated from Udine Province are today?
After 150 years of emigration from Friuli Venezia Giulia, the answer is quite difficult.
At ItalianSide, working with statistical data about our readers, we tried to help to solve this problem.
We started from this point: if someone comes to our Internet Site looking for info about an Italian town, a village, family, genealogy, ancestry tours or tradition, it is because he is connected in some way with that town! Every month on ItalianSide.com we receive thousands of requests coming from all over the world, seeking info about these subjects in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Of course this is only an attempt to map where Friulani from Udine are today:our experiment has no scientific foundation but it’s an empirical proof about the spread of Friulani in the world.
Would you like to see the map of the readers of ItalianSide.com interested in Udine Province? (it will be….surprising for you!)

Click here to see the map of Friulani in the World coming from Udine Province!

Some useful info:
1) Please remember that it could take some seconds before markers are shown on the map (thousand of markers are plotted in real time!)
2) Map is updated daily: now it shows statistics from July 1, 2013 to yesterday.
3) At the moment the map shows only last 10000 entries in our statistics.
4) Only one marker is shown for each town in case more Friulani are in the same town.

If you want to see the map of Friulani in the world (all the provinces of Friuli Venezia Giulia!) click here

For further information about this, please write us at info@italianside.com.

3 thoughts on “Udine and its Province in the World!”

  1. Analía

    ciao, sono di Argentina. Il mio tataranonno si chiamava Santiago Piccolo. E venuto in Argentina dopo 1850, é morto come italiano in Argentina nel 1926. Voglio riconstruire la cittadinaza italiana. Puoi aiutarmi? Grazie mille.

  2. Lolita

    I am very interested in getting the military reccord of my grandfather who served in the first world war. I know he was wounded. Gerolamo Dell’Angelo was born in 1893 in the town of Amaro, Udine.

    Please let me know if you can assist me with this request.

  3. Barbara

    Looking for anyone related to married couple Angelo Scussolin (c.1840-1904)and wife Maria Valentinni (1848-1936)from town Latisana, Italy. Their daughter Lucia is my g-grandmother, looking for information on Scussolin/Valentinni family.

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