Family Status Certificate
The Office “Anagrafe” (Office of the Census) for each family keeps a record called in Italian “Certificato di Stato di Famiglia” (we could translate in English as “Certificate of Family Status”).
This certificate shows the composition of the family unit.
Typical info included in this kind of document are:
– names and dates and places of birth, etc. for each family members who were still present at the time the document was prepared.
This is a sample of a “Certificato di Stato di Famiglia” issued in Italy

Information usually available on Certificato di Stato di Famiglia
– Full name of the head of the household
– Full names of all members living in the same household
– For each member in the family:
– The relationship of each member to the family
– Civil status
– Place of birth
– Date of birth
– Sometimes, the number, part and series of the birth act record are also indicated
Required Documents to request the Certificato di Stato di Famiglia
– An application form filled out by the applicant
– A consent letter with the identity card’s image (to delegate another person to get the document)
Fees requested by Office Anagrafe (*)
A legal letter = € 16,00 for stamps + € 5.16 for each individual recorded in the Stato de Famiglia in the required date.
Eg: MARIO ROSSI’s declaration of family status.
If the members of family are: Mario Rossi, his wife, 2 sons and a daughter:
2) wife
3) son
4) son
5) daughter
The total cost will be 16,00 + (5,16 x 5) = euros 41,80.
(*) These are typical fees of the offices: costs can vary town by town.