Genealogy in Giffoni Valle Piana

Region: Campania Province: Salerno

Tracing your Italian roots back to Giffoni Valle Piana, in Salerno province, Campania region?

This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the records available in Giffoni Valle Piana, unlocking your family’s rich history.
Where to Begin Your Ancestry Journey in Giffoni Valle Piana
If your ancestral trail leads to Giffoni Valle Piana, Italy, their vital records are likely housed in two key locations:

  • Giffoni Valle Piana City Hall Archives: Established in 1809, these archives hold civil registry records like births, marriages, and deaths for Giffoni Valle Piana residents since then.
  • Giffoni Valle Piana Parish Churches: For records pre-dating 1809 or for religious ceremonies, exploring Giffoni Valle Piana’s parish church archives might be necessary.

Civil Records in Giffoni Valle Piana

In towns and villages of Campania and in Salerno province civil registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Giffoni Valle Piana Town Hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Giffoni Valle Piana Municipality, follow this link).

So, if your ancestors lived in Giffoni Valle Piana during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Giffoni Valle Piana to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
With his deep knowledge of people and local history he will assist you not only finding names and dates (births, marriages, deaths) but he will reveal to you many other precious information on the life of your ancestors available in the old registers.

  • Professions: do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Our genealogist will be able to give you this info!
  • Addresses: the house where your family lived (a great information if you intend to visit Giffoni Valle Piana !)
  • Churches: where they were baptized or married
  • (If you can’t visit Giffoni Valle Piana, our researcher will give you the necessary info to find by yourself the relevant places on the maps available online)

  • Signatures: if your ancestors knew how to write, he will be able to show you their original signatures.
  • Any other useful info available on the old documents.
  • Are you interested in this? Write us at or fill this form

    Next picture shows the demographic trends in Giffoni Valle Piana from the Italian Unification (1861).
    This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


    To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Giffoni Valle Piana. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Giffoni Valle Piana archives, expecially if you have not exact dates (there could be cases of homonymy).
    It’s useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Salerno province are:
    Alfano, Amato, Annunziata, Apicella, Bruno, Califano, Caputo, Cirillo, Coppola, Cuomo, D’Amato, D’Ambrosio, D’Angelo, De Luca, De Martino, De Rosa, Esposito, Ferraioli, Ferrara, Gallo, Giordano, Greco, Grimaldi, Iannone, Lamberti, Landi, Manzo, Marino, Napoli, Pagano, Palumbo, Pellegrino, Pepe, Rinaldi, Rizzo, Romano, Ruggiero, Russo, Santoro, Senatore, Sessa, Sica, Sorrentino, Tortora, Trotta, Vitale, Vitolo, Volpe.

    Church Records in Giffoni Valle Piana

    Church archives in Salerno province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
    So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Campania started during 1500!

    Parish archives are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
    But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Giffoni Valle Piana on your behalf to gather info about your family history during centuries.

    In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Giffoni Valle Piana:

    SS. ANNUNZIATA E S. GIORGIO – P.zza Annunziata Mercato

    S. PIETRO E S. MARIA DELLE GRAZIE – P.zza Linguiti

    SANTI MARTINO LEONE E NICOLA IN S. MARIA A VICO – Via Fortunato – Santa Maria a Vico


    S. LORENZO MARTIRE – Via Mancusi

    For our experience, if you plan to come here to visit Giffoni Valle Piana, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
    This because a comprehensive genealogy research is time consuming!

    Starting from home, you will have time to get a complete research avoiding to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
    (Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
    With the results gathered by our genealogist and translated in your language before your arrival, you will have the possibility to plan carefully your visit.
    In this way you will have more free time to enjoy your tour to the roots on your ancestors footsteps.

    Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives of Salerno.

    If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Giffoni Valle Piana area , write to or fill the form here.

    Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

    If you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Campania and of course in Giffoni Valle Piana too.

    Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Giffoni Valle Piana forum:
    if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Giffoni Valle Piana feel free to leave a message below.

    17 thoughts on “Genealogy in Giffoni Valle Piana”

    1. Betsy

      I would love to know more about my great-grandparents’ history in Griffon Valle Piana. Hi was born in august 1851: Giuseppe Graziani, his father was Nicola Graziani and his mother Fortunata Cafaro. He then married Maria Caldarelli and emigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    2. Anthony

      I ask for your assistance in finding information on my grandfather Guiseppe D’Ambrosio and Pazieza Cerino. The emigrated to the US in November or December of 1900, arriving December 31, 1900. I believe my paternal great grand fathers name to be Vincenzo D’Ambrosio and his wife was Brigida Reagalla. My maternal great grand parents were Pasquale Cerino and Rosa Cingolo. Any information would be appreciated.

    3. Robert

      My grandfather is from your town. Born 27 April 1889. Antonio Nobile. I believe his father was Paola. I do not know his mothers name. Please help to find my family heritage. Thank you.

    4. Jessica

      My grandfather, Carmino Rinaldi was born here 18 November 1876. He emigrated to America in 1898 from Naples. His mother was Filomena Fortino and father Domenico Antonio Rinaldi. I know he had a brother Nicolo who emigrated to Torrington, Conn. I would like to know his other siblings, and have a copy of his birth certicate. I also want to know who my great great parents were as well. We plan to visit in July 2018. Please tell us where we should we go: to the town of Giffoni Valle Piana and Salerno both to get these records?? Please advise.

    5. Danielle

      My great grandmother was born in Salerno in 1876, her name was Angela Liquori. She married Domenico Bruno (who we believe was from Sicily). They had 3 sons in Giffoni Valle Piana, Campania, Salerno. I have a baptismal certificate for the oldest dated December 1900, from I believe it is St. Annunziatas. Can anyone put me in touch with this parish, or does anyone have any connection to these names?

      Thank you.

    6. Gary

      My grandfather Salvatore Andria was born in Giffoni Valle Piana on March 20, 1890. I would like to know more about his family background. I understand that his family had a factory making copper cooking utensils. I will be in Southern Italy in early October and would like to meet you if you have information on the Andria family. Thanks and regards.

      1. Marie

        I traveled toGioffone Valle Piana in 2008 and met some of my Andria relatives. My great grandfather was Gaetano Andria. He marched with Gzribaldi and there is astreet named after him.Would like to know who your parents were.Thank you Marie

    7. Pompey

      Looking for Italian family remnants of Ralph Deangelo, born August 16 1884 in Giffone, he departed to the US on May 8th 1902. He was married to Virginia Pagarula, born June 29 1899.

      Thank you,


    8. Emma

      My father lived in Giffoni Valle Piana but not sure when. However, his mother’s name is Antonia or Antonetta Sica. She owned a couple of buildings in the SP 26 c, 16 section. I will be coming to Italy in May 2017 and would like to see where they lived. I do not have much more information that this. It may have been in the 1920’s or 1930’s??? I’m not sure. The name of the road I was told was named after her and it was Via L. Sica but that may have been renamed. Any information you can give me would be wonderful I and my brothers and sisters live in the United States now and both my Grandmother and Father are both deceased. My father’s last name was Landi.

    9. Adriana

      I would like to find information on my grandfathers family.. Domingo De Mattia, I believe he had 5 brothers and 1 sister ..I would like to visit

    10. David

      I am looking for I formation on pasquale boccalupo born 1879 wife Felicia children giovani, fiori agnese pasquale immigrated on dec 6the 1910 from Naples on the ship cincinati. the 3 kids Giovanni born 1905 fiori 1907 and agnese 1910 immigrated on the ship duca di Geneva parting Oct 20th 1915
      the mothers name was Felicia that’s all I know they were all from Giffani val. according to ship manifesto.

    11. Tiffany

      I recently found a birth certificate of my 2nd great grandmother. Her name was Annina DeVito Caloia. Her birth date was June 5th 1881 and her parents names were Matteo DeVito and Tarquinia Capone DeVito. Her place of birth is listed asa Giffone Valle Paiana. I was wondering how to go about finding more information on the family, ie if she had siblings, more information on her parents family members. I do know she came over to America in 1904 and in 1934 her father was still alive.

      1. Santina

        My grand father America DeVito was born in Giffoni in the early 1900’s. Was the youngest of 7 siblings.
        My father, Lorenzo DeVito was born in Giffoni and my mother, Rosaria DeFeo aslso born in Giffoni.

    12. Maria

      Hello, I would like to know who are the actual progeny -living at Giffone Valle Paiana – of my great-grandfather Enrico Cuomo (natto at Giffone Valle Piana in 21-05-1847 / morto at Buenos Aires, Argentina in 30-06/1907).

      1. Ernesto

        Sono interessato a ottenere informazioni sulla famiglia di Francesco Visconti (1821 circa)e Felice Galuzzi (1825 ca.). I loro figli sono stati Francesco, Arcangela, Vincenzo (1861), Enrico (1865), Giuseppe, Maria Rosa (1866) (sposata con Carlo Basanetti) e Rafael.

    13. Anna

      Will be visiting Giffoni Valle Piana on October 6,7, 8, 2014 to further explore great-grandfather Giovanni Pepe and Artura Rinaldi Pepe ancestry before emigrating to Chicago Illinois in the early 1900’s. We visited city hall there 5 years ago and want to search for graves of children who died there. What are the hours of city hall? Are they open on Mondays? How do I reach out to parishes? Any help would be kindly accepted. Grazie Mille! Anna

      1. Janet

        alla ricerca di informazioni su Generoso Granozio.
        emigrò negli Stati Uniti nel 1893 e all’epoca aveva 33 anni. sua moglie era Prospera.

        la sua città natale era indicata come Giffon.


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