Region: Campania Province: Benevento
Tracing your Italian roots back to Morcone, in Benevento province, Campania region?
This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the records available in Morcone, unlocking your family’s rich history.
Where to Begin Your Ancestry Journey in Morcone
If your ancestral trail leads to Morcone, Italy, their vital records are likely housed in two key locations:
- Morcone City Hall Archives: Established in 1809, these archives hold civil registry records like births, marriages, and deaths for Morcone residents since then.
- Morcone Parish Churches: For records pre-dating 1809 or for religious ceremonies, exploring Morcone’s parish church archives might be necessary.
Civil Records in Morcone
In towns and villages of Campania and in Benevento province civil registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Morcone Town Hall archives as of that date.
(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Morcone Municipality, follow this link).
So, if your ancestors lived in Morcone during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Morcone to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
With his deep knowledge of people and local history he will assist you not only finding names and dates (births, marriages, deaths) but he will reveal to you many other precious information on the life of your ancestors available in the old registers.
- Professions: do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Our genealogist will be able to give you this info!
- Addresses: the house where your family lived (a great information if you intend to visit Morcone !)
- Churches: where they were baptized or married
- Signatures: if your ancestors knew how to write, he will be able to show you their original signatures.
(If you can’t visit Morcone, our researcher will give you the necessary info to find by yourself the relevant places on the maps available online)
Next picture shows the demographic trends in Morcone from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.

To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Morcone. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Morcone archives, expecially if you have not exact dates (there could be cases of homonymy).
It’s useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Benevento province are:
Barbato, Calabrese, Caporaso, Caruso, Ciervo, Cocca, Colangelo, Corbo, D’Agostino, D’Andrea, De Ieso, De Luca, De Rosa, Del Grosso, Del Vecchio, D’Onofrio, Esposito, Falzarano, Fusco, Garofano, Grasso, Iadanza, Iannotta, Izzo, Leone, Lepore, Lombardi, Maio, Mancini, Massaro, Mercurio, Nardone, Pacelli, Palumbo, Parente, Pastore, Pedicini, Pepe, Ricci, Ricciardi, Riccio, Romano, Rossi, Ruggiero, Russo, Varricchio, Zollo, Zotti.
Church Records in Morcone
Church archives in Benevento province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Campania started during 1500!
Parish archives are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Morcone on your behalf to gather info about your family history during centuries.
In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Morcone:
S. MARIA DE STAMPATIS – P.zza Madonna della Pace
S. MARCO EVANGELISTA – P.zza S.Marco Evangelista

For our experience, if you plan to come here to visit Morcone, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
This because a comprehensive genealogy research is time consuming!
Starting from home, you will have time to get a complete research avoiding to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist and translated in your language before your arrival, you will have the possibility to plan carefully your visit.
In this way you will have more free time to enjoy your tour to the roots on your ancestors footsteps.
Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives of Benevento.
If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Morcone area , write to or fill the form here.
Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.
If you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Campania and of course in Morcone too.
Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Morcone forum:
if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Morcone feel free to leave a message below.
My grandfather was born in Morcone Italy and given up for adoption. He ended up with the last name of Altavilla from the city where he was adopted.
Does anyone know of 1800’s adoption records? Or impossible to trace?
Hello, My grandfather emigrated to the US – there are conflicting records dealing with the departure date and location. It is believed he arrived on February 1, 1905, from Naples, on the SS. Deutschland as Simaele D’Ollavio is listed on this however; not in any additional later records. There is evidence he changed his name to Samuel Ollie. However, he states he was born in Morcone, Benevento, Italy on February 7, 1880. This is believed true based on exhaustive search records. Other possible birth name; Leopoldo Olivio. My son and I recently visited with our spouses and were very successful in Pietracatella researching my grandmother; however, we had much better records to start with there. Time ran short and we plan a trip back, to include a lot more time in Morcone.
My paternal line of L’infante can be traced back to 1550 in Morcone. Around 1600 the family lived in San Lupo for the next 300 years under the Surname Linfante. I am the 15th generation of the Linfante family.
My maternal grandfather Enrico Gentile born January 20, 1886, and died May 9, 1969 in Morcone, BN. He married my grandmother Angiola Santina Russo born October 31, 1891, and died July 5, 1974. Does anyone know their ancestors?
Good Morning Mike. My grandfathers name was Giuseppe Gentile born in Morcone 1893 (although some records show date as 1891) and had a brother Errico Sebastiano Gentile born 1886. Antonio Domenico Gentle was my great grandfather and Apollonia Santucci Gentile great grandmother. I have been researching my family history, Gentile from Morcone and Battista, Caruso and Corrente from Minturno, and Scauri.
Looking for family of Luigi Parcesepe born Feb 9th, 1873 in Morcone. Any information is helpful
I need to know about Domingo Fusco born in 1883 in Morcone
My fathers last name is DiMella and I am planning on visting his home very soon. The last time he was there many of his family was still there and it was his wish that I visit. All I know from him is that there was a plaque in the center with our name and that his fathers name was Joseph.. any help is apppreciated
Lisa, I hope you had the opportunity to visit Morcone. My Grandfather was born there. His last name was Solla. His mother was Maria Giuseppa Di Mella. I have been searching to no avail. If you found information on the Di Mella Family, I would appreciate hearing from you.
Hi Loretta –
My grandfather was born in Morcone. His name was Andrew Solla & my dad had a cousin named Loretta. Wondering if that’s you?
My grandfather Giacinto Fusco immigrated to the USA arriving in Ellis Island in 1912 after leaving from Naples on board the Prinzess Irene. He was born around October 2, 1894. He listed his last place of residence as Morcone, Benevento. His brother Gioconaino Fusco arrived 2 years earlier on August 2, 1910. He was 17 years old born in 1893. He sailed on the ship Oceania also out of Napoli.
No other relatives came to the states to visit or live that they were aware of. Gioconaino and his wife Josephine returned to visit only one time in the 1960’s. I am trying to find any family history on my dad’s side of the family. Very little from my grandmother’s side also as her sister Josephine was an only sibling and they married my grandfather and uncle.
Mio nonno Giacinto Fusco emigrò negli Stati Uniti arrivando a Ellis Island nel 1912 dopo essere partito da Napoli a bordo della Prinzess Irene. Era nato intorno al 2 ottobre 1894. Elencò il suo ultimo luogo di residenza come Morcone, Benevento. Suo fratello Gioconaino Fusco arrivò 2 anni prima, il 2 agosto 1910. Aveva 17 anni, nato nel 1893. Salpò sulla nave Oceania anche da Napoli.
Nessun altro parente è venuto negli Stati Uniti per visitare o vivere di cui erano a conoscenza. Gioconaino e sua moglie Josephine sono tornati a visitare solo una volta negli anni ’60. Sto cercando di trovare qualche storia di famiglia sul lato della famiglia di mio padre. Molto poco dalla parte di mia nonna, anche perché sua sorella Josephine era un’unico fratello e hanno sposato mio nonno e mio zio.
Jerald, do you live in CT? Jay possibly.
I am visiting Morcone in July 2017 and was wondering if anyone knew the DiCilla family. My grandfather, Nicolangelo DiCilla, was born there and married Pasqualina Capitolino (not sure of the spelling) and they had 3 children while living in Morcone (Michael, Joseph (my father) an Corrado who died at 2 years old from pneumonia). When Nicolangelo came through Ellis Island in 1920 his name was changed to Nicolas DeCilla. He came back for his family in 1927 and all 4 left and settled in NY. My father’s name was read Corrado instead of Joseph and he kept the name Corrado Joseph DeCilla instead of Joseph Corrado DiCilla. Does anyone know if any living DiCilla’s or Capitolino relatives are still living in Morcone?
My greatgrandfather was Pellegrino Gentile, my grandfather born 10 Jun 1890 • Benevento, Morcone, Italy was Anthony Pellegrino Gentile. My greatgrandmother was Filamanda Narciso. My Grandfather’s sister Giuseppa married into D’Addona family.
Sono paesaggio piantare progettista e manager. Mio nonno Anthony Gentile era il fratello di Giuseppa Gentile D’Addona da Morcone Italia
Pellegrino Gentile was my great grandfather
era mio bisnonno
My Great Grandfather was Francisco Narciso and he settled in Vermont .
Charlene Mirti Kolb
I knew my greatgrandfather, Thomas Dominic Prozzo. But his surname at birth was something like DeAngelis. His mother, Andreana Falco , was married to her first husband and gave birth to my greatgrandfather, Thomas , on July 24,1890. His official papers say he was born in Marcone, Benevento.
This first husband died in a fishing or drowning as the story goes. Andreana Falco then married a man named Nic or Nicola Prozzo. Nic Prozzo adopted my greatgrandfather, Thomas.
They came to America sometime around 1902-1904.
I want to know what the true surname was of Tom’s father! Can you help?
Thank you,
Debbie Frodigh
Looking for information on the family of Domenick DiMella, born March 11, 1889 to Nicola DiMella and Louisa Delli Fenari. May also be the parents of Antonio DiMella/
Thank you for any help you may give.
Hello, I’m trying to find the surname for my great-grandmother, Angiolina. We believe her last name was Bolelli, Balello, we just aren’t sure. Hoping someone can help. She married Domenico Mandrone (b. 1852) possibly around 1880 maybe. Thanks!
Hello Rose, this is just to let you know that a quite common surname in Morcone is Bollella,which sounds like the one your family remebers. Maybe you can refine your search using this tip. Hope this helps.
Dom, thank you! I will check into that last name.
Hi I am looking for the Mancini and D’Occhio family in morcone benevento since my grandparents move to Argentina before the 2th world war
Hello Rose,
My parents were good friends with Augie Bollella and his wife Nancy who lived in Bedford, NY . Augie died in the 1990’s but Nancy is still alive. They came from Morcone and so did my father Corrado DeCilla (real name Joseph DiCilla). I wonder if you are related to these Bolleas.
Everything I read from my mother-in-law’s keepsakes indicate that my husband’s family is from Morcone, Italy. His grandfather and his brother came over (left from Naples) first and then two sisters came later and married the brothers. His grandfather’s name was Dominic Teresino (brother Antonio “Charlie”) and his grandmother’s name was Filomena Della Camera. They settled in West Virginia. Apparently, due to some clerical error, the first “e” was dropped and the name became Tresino some time ago.
I’m sure there are living relatives in or near Morcone!! It would be lovely to find them!
i tracked my grandfather back to Morcone. His name was Guissepi Falaguerra born in 1865 . He imagrated to the USA in 1898 married and had a son Ralph in1900.
I would like to know if you have any records of his (my) family and if anyone is still living in Morcone. I will be there on Oct 21 for one day thank you
Hi Robert,
My grandfather’s (my mother’s father) name was Carmine Falaguerra born in Morcone in 1909. He had 3 brothers ( Raffaele, Giovanni and Giuseppe). My mother does not remember her grandfather nor his name (he probably passed away before she was born). If your grandfather was born in 1865 he could perhaps be a brother to my great grandfather.
My family has been traced to Morcone. Luigi Volpato and Matia Volpato born to Giovanni Volpato and Angela Petrillo any info would be welcomed.
If there are any living relatives would love to find them
Many thanks