Genealogy in Pettorano sul Gizio

If you search your ancestors in Pettorano sul Gizio, in the province of L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy, Abruzzo region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.

Civil Records in Pettorano sul Gizio

In towns and villages of Abruzzo and in L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Pettorano sul Gizio town hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Pettorano sul Gizio, please follow this link)


So, if your ancestors lived in Pettorano sul Gizio during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Pettorano sul Gizio to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!

Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Abruzzo and of course in Pettorano sul Gizio too!

Next picture shows the demographic trends in Pettorano sul Gizio from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Pettorano sul Gizio. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Pettorano sul Gizio archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in L’Aquila province are:
Bianchi, Bisegna, Bonanni, Centofanti, Cipriani, Colangelo, D’Alessandro, D’Amico, D’Andrea, D’Angelo, De Angelis, De Santis, Di Benedetto, Di Carlo, Di Cesare, Di Domenico, Di Felice, Di Girolamo, Di Loreto, Di Marco, Di Paolo, Di Pietro, Di Renzo, Di Stefano, Gentile, Giuliani, Graziani, Leone, Liberatore, Mancini, Mariani, Marinucci, Morgante, Pace, Paris, Parisse, Persia, Petrella, Presutti, Ricci, Rossi, Sabatini, Santilli, Santucci, Silvestri, Tarquini, Valentini, Venditti.

Church Records in Pettorano sul Gizio

Church archives in L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Abruzzo started during 1500!

They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Pettorano sul Gizio on your behalf.

In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Pettorano sul Gizio:


Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.

Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.

If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Pettorano sul Gizio area , write to or fill the form here.

Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

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if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Pettorano sul Gizio feel free to leave a message below.

48 thoughts on “Genealogy in Pettorano sul Gizio”

  1. My grandfather Domenic Ventresca { with an o in America ] born Oct. 1898 in Pettorano. My grandmother Anna with same last maiden name supposedly.
    My father Giacinto also born in Pettarano. Any info. is greatly apppreciateed.

  2. looking for information on GIUSEPPE STORLAZZI born in the 1870s? married to GIULIA BONITATIBUS.
    supposedly he ran an inn in Pettorano in the late 1800s and Giulia was a school teacher.
    Mnay of his 11 children immigrated to Boston MA

    1. I have been researching my Pettorano roots. Just by chance, your message was the second I read.

      Giula and Giuseppe were my great grandparents. My grandfather was Armand, one of their 11 children. I’m not sure, but I think some of their children may have died early.

      Giula was a teacher for over 40 yrs, and apparently taught my grandfather herself, before he went to a technical school in Sulmona to study custom tailoring.

      Armand married in the US to a girl also from Pettorano, my grandmother. I think they were in their teens or just out, when they married, Christmas Eve., 1911. His father and my grandmother’s father were friends in Pettorano..

      In the US, one of Giula and Giuseppe’s grandaughter’s from Armand married a relative from Giula’s side of the family. I don’t know the degree of relation. He shortened his Bonitatibus name in the US.

      In the Army, I learned from another soldier that Storlazzi’s are in Pennsylvania, and I think Bonitatibus’ in Ohio. I don’t know the connections to my great grand parents.

      Do you have any other info?


    2. Giuseppe Storlazzi era probabilmente il nipote di Domenico Storlazzi, locandiere, nato ad Ortona nel 1818. Con la moglie Maria Rosaria Contucci (nata a Sulmona nel 1818) si trasferirono a Pettorano dove nacque la figlia Marianna (1843).
      Marianna Storlazzi sposò nel 1864 il medico Daniele Orsini.

  3. Both of my grandparents were from Petterano, Nicola and Italia (Monaco) Berarducci. I believe I still have family there. My father, Pete, visited a number of years back and met some family but that was a number of years back. Would love to find out anything about my family.

  4. Hi! I’m visiting the area this summer and I know that my family was from Pettorano Sul Gizio. My great grandfathers name was Dominico Ranalli (Born June 25th, 1906), son of Angelo and Carmela Ranalli. Their other children were Rosario and Josephine Ranalli. Carmela’s maiden name was Spaziani, related to Giuseppe “Joseph” Spaziani. I would love to know if any Ranalli’s are still located in Pettorano. Thank you!

  5. Looking for information and family of Albina Picollo, approx birth of 1891,
    Albina Mary Picollo
    BIRTH 1891 • Piea, Asti, Piemonte, Italy

  6. I am looking for great grandparents and further back of my family. My grandfather was Guiseppe Almonte born in 1892. My grandmother was Anne Almonte (Federico) born in 1902. My father was also born there Mario Almonte in 1929, Thank you

    1. Hi Janese, Hope you still would like some added info for your family. My nephew on my husband’s side of the family just found out 2 years ago that he was Italian. So we have been doing a lot of research. I do not have much on the Almonte side of the family but I can help you on the Federico side. Anna’s father was Fernando Federico 1868-1924 and her mom was Brigida D’Amico no dates. Fernando’s parents were Vincenzo Federico 1837-1893 and Vitantonia diPronio 1841-1881. Vicenzo’s parents were Pasquale Federico 1814-1881 and Domenica Leone 1815-?. Hope this helps. Barb

  7. CESIDIO SANTUCCI born 27 Jun 1884 Pettorano sul Gizio, son of ARCANGELO SANTUCCI (no dates, no place of birth, son of VINCENZO and unknown mother) and LIBERATA FRATORELLI (no birth date or city, who are her parents).
    AGNESE ANZUINI born 21 Mar 1884 Pettorano sul Gizio, daughter of PIETRO ANZUINI (no dates or place, who are his parents?) and LORENZA GINNETTI (no date or place) daughter of GIACCHINO GINETTI and AGNESE ???

    Anybody have any information? All would be greatly appreciated

  8. Hello Pettorano! My grandfather was Archangelo Di Stefano who was born in Pettorano April 28,1888. His parents were Benigno a nd Rosaria Carrara Di Stefano who both died in1918 during the flu epidemic. I would like to find out when they were born.Thanking you in advance for any help you can give. Amy

  9. My great grandfather Joeseph Monaco came to America with his assumed brother or cousin Dan Monaco around the time of wwi. They both listed Petterano as their birthplace on their US draft cards in 1917. I have no further information on my family there and would like to delve deeper if possible. Thank you!

    1. Hi Jason, We are also searching for infomation for Dan Monaco who lived in Dover, OH but was from Pettorano, Abruzzo, Italy. Dan Monaco was born 1892-1981. He was married to Assunta Susie Bonitatibus and they had 7 children. I do know that there was a Joseph Monaco also living in Dover, OH at the same time but did not know how they were related. I do think they are about the same age and can pull out the obits for both of them. I am looking for more info for this family. Thankfully, Barb

  10. Hi,

    My maternal great grand parents are from Pettorano. My great grand father’s name was Francescantonio Tornifoglia. His wife’s name was Theresa or Teresa. I am just curious to know what her maiden name was. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

      1. Rich and Karen,

        My Grandfather is from Pettorano. His last name is Federico. He came to the U.S. in 1913. He stated that he had 12 brothers and sisters and was a twin. Any information is appreciated.


    1. I don’t have any contacts IN Pettorano, but my great grandfather was named Gaetano diVittorio (that’s the spelling I’ve seen), born in Pettorano in 1887. He emigrated to the U.S. (Columbus, OH), and the family name was later Americanized to DeVictor.

  11. I am looking for any available information on my grandparents – Vincenzio A. Oddi born 7/18/1889 and Margherita Marie Costanzo born 7/13/1889. Both were born in Pettorano sul Gizio. My family and I will be visiting Italy in June, and we are planning to spend a day in Pettorano sul Gizio. Thank you in advance!

  12. Hello – my grandfather was born September 11, 1897. His name was Mario Loreto Berarducci. I am interested in finding his brother and sister names and if they have any children in the area. I would also like to know where he was born as I think relatives still live there. Any help is appreciated.

  13. I am looking for information on my great grandparents. The information that I have is that they were married on October 30, 1902 at St. Nicolas Church in Pettorano. I would like to find information on where they were living, like a home address, or anything else like that. Their names were Antonio Donato Cercone and Michellina Cellini.

  14. Both of my grandparents were from Italy, I can’t remember if both were from Petterano or just my grandma….their names were Carmella Cicone and Cesidio DiFonzo. Could you possibly have that information ?

  15. Buenas,les escribo porque quisiera conseguir información sobre mi familia en Pettorano Sul Gizio. Mi abuelo materno ya fallecido Giuseppe Del Monaco Al Monte, el murió en Venezuela sin tener contacto en sus ultimos años con sus familiares, les agradeceria su ayuda

  16. Hi – my great grandparents were married in Pettorano sul Gizio in 1897. Their names were Rocco Lancia and Marie Leone. I live in the US but may be visiting Rome this summer and would love to get more information and perhaps make a trip out to this community. Can you advise as to how to trace the family tree to see if any relatives are in the area?

    Thank you,

  17. My grandfather’s name was Vincenzo Checca. He was born in Pettorano sul Gizio in 1894 and immigrated to the USA in 1910. He return to Italy to fight in WW1. After the war, he returned to the USA.

  18. We will be in Pettorano on Sept. 18 but only for one overnight. I know it is a weekend, so likely nothing will be open. But I do know this… my great grandparents (Zannelli and Tiberio) came from Pettorano at the turn of the century.

    When my great grand Sebastiano Tiberio (b. March 21, 1872)died in 1944, most of his remaining family lived in the U.S. But, he left a sister, Donada Tiberio Ferrilli in Italy. While he came to the U.S. earlier with his brother, he returned to Italy and eventually immigrated to the U.S. in 1903 with his wife and settled in CT. His father was Giuseppi. His mother was Concettina Ginnetti, Gianetti, Ginetta or some variation of that name.

    My great grand Elvira Zannelli — Sebastiano’s wife — (b. 1881 d. 1975) came here with several sisters and a brother but left some in Italy. She came to the U.S. in 1903. Parents Pasquale Zannelli and Domenica Chiota.

    Does this ring a bell for anyone? Suggestions for “must see” on a weekend there — overnighting Sulmona/Pettorano sul Gizio?

    Does anyone know where to find the HISTORY of the Rosario Zannelli fountain?


    1. Il mio bisnonno Giovanni Zannelli nasce a Pettorano (non conosco la data di nascita) si trasferisce a Nettuno in provincia di Roma con Alessandro Zannelli.Giovanni sposa nel 1899 a nettuno Censi Angela , il matrimonio dura 10 anni da questa unione nascono due figli Umberto è Vittorio zannelli.G iovanni si separa e torna a Pettorano rimane lì fino alla sua morte.

  19. I am visiting Pettorano next week (August 14th) in search of information about my grandparents Giavanni Panza (born 1892) and Francesca DiFonzo (born 1900). Together they had a son Angelo Panza (born in Pettorano 1921?)
    On October 16, 1924 Francesca left Pettorano to join my grandfather and her brother Charles Di Fonzo already in America.
    Giovanni was married to someone else before he married Francesca and they had a child named Concetta Panza. When his first wife died, he married my grandmother Francesca.
    I believe I have a second cousin, Anna Maria Patella, living in Sulmona who is my grandfather’s sister’s daughter. I an trying to find her, as I believe she is the only living relative I know of there.
    Any ideas on how to find her? To find other relatives? To research my family?

    1. hi, I’m not sure if this helps but my grandmothers surname was Patella and she was from pettorano sul gizio. her mother was giulia pansa who had approx 11 children. my grandmothers sister Assunta lived in sulmona but unsure of her daughters names. She also had a brother called Pietro, Francesco and a sister annunziata. not sure if there’s any connection.

  20. Searching for info on Pasquale Gotti or Gotta born in Pettorano. I do have a copy of his italian birth certificate. Feliciano (Felix) Gotti Father ,Giovana Maiorana, mother
    Pasquale and Felix both came to the USA Mother and a sister stayed behind in italy. Can’t find anything on my Great Grandmother or great aunt.
    Luciano Gotta married Maria Rosaria Federico
    Your 2nd great grandfather
    Birth 06 Mar 1823 in Sulmona, L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy
    Death aft 1881 in Pettorano sul Gizio, L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy

    1. Hi Debra,

      My name is Elizabeth Gotta (Chicago) and I was told that our family is from Piedmont but I do not have any records. Can you share more information with me on the Gotta family? Any information would be helpful! 🙂

  21. Both of my grandparents were born in Pettorano. Grandfather Antonio Lancia 1867 and Antonia Ferrelli May 19, 1874. I would appreciate any information on their parents and or siblings.
    Also, could you provide me with a name of someone in the area who might be able to do further research for me. I visited Pettorano in 2005, however, it was on Palm Sunday and of course the town hall was closed.

    1. Hello,
      My grandfather was Giuseppe Dominic Lancia and was born in Pettorano March 11th 1898. I also have cousion named Liberate Ferrelli from the same town. I am going to visit Pettorano in May.
      Look forward to hearing from you

    2. Hi Sandra
      I actually have a copy of the CD movie you created from your 2005 trip, although I’m not sure how I obtained it and how we are related. Antonio and Antonia are my second great grandparents. Were you able to find out any additional information? Would love to connect!

    3. I have a great great grandmother named Maria Ferrelli, born in 1857 in Pettorano. I believe she died fairly young, as her husband (Leonardo D’Alessandro) and daughter (Donata) emigrated to the US around 1901, but she died in Italy.

  22. Looking for information on my 2nd great grandparents Liberata Dosantos and Bernardino Di Pietro. Liberata Died on 9 Jan 1951. In Pettorano.

    Thank you in advance.

  23. I am looking for the names, etc. of the parents of Donata Spagnoli and Ricardo Lucci.
    Also information about Anna Maria (?) and husband, Vito (?) D’Aurora–all from Pettorano sul Gizio. Thank you for any help.

  24. I am in search of my husbands lineage. The Surnames Fronterotta, Fernando 1924 and Orsini, Filomena 1930. Thank you for any information ! Ann

    1. Hi Mike, never heard of a Michael Tristani, but my father is Fernando born in 1926 and his father was Francesco. Don’t know his birth year but it would be around that time. My parents immigrated to Ontario Canada with all my father’s brothers and sisters.

    2. Hi Mike, Lots of years have gone by and maybe you found your Michael Tristani born 5/7/1883 in Pettorano. Died 7/28/1944 in Massachusetts. He married
      Philomena or Filomena Genamore 1888-1961. Michele’s parents were Christopher Tristani and Colomba Iacozza.


  26. MY grandparents were both from pettorano sul gizo ,Cesido susi born 4/7/1893 and my grandmother Anna Calabrese born 1894. my grandmother’s father was Gaetano Calabrese. The piece i do not know is my grandmothers mother name. my grandfathers father is buried in pettrorano and anna calabrese sister. any ideas?

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