Genealogy in Palazzo San Gervasio

Region: Basilicata Province: Potenza

Tracing your Italian roots back to Palazzo San Gervasio, in Potenza province, Basilicata region?

This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the records available in Palazzo San Gervasio, unlocking your family’s rich history.
Where to Begin Your Ancestry Journey in Palazzo San Gervasio
If your ancestral trail leads to Palazzo San Gervasio, Italy, their vital records are likely housed in two key locations:

  • Palazzo San Gervasio City Hall Archives: Established in 1809, these archives hold civil registry records like births, marriages, and deaths for Palazzo San Gervasio residents since then.
  • Palazzo San Gervasio Parish Churches: For records pre-dating 1809 or for religious ceremonies, exploring Palazzo San Gervasio’s parish church archives might be necessary.

Civil Records in Palazzo San Gervasio

In towns and villages of Basilicata and in Potenza province civil registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Palazzo San Gervasio Town Hall archives as of that date.

(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Palazzo San Gervasio Municipality, follow this link).

So, if your ancestors lived in Palazzo San Gervasio during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Palazzo San Gervasio to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
With his deep knowledge of people and local history he will assist you not only finding names and dates (births, marriages, deaths) but he will reveal to you many other precious information on the life of your ancestors available in the old registers.

  • Professions: do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Our genealogist will be able to give you this info!
  • Addresses: the house where your family lived (a great information if you intend to visit Palazzo San Gervasio !)
  • Churches: where they were baptized or married
  • (If you can’t visit Palazzo San Gervasio, our researcher will give you the necessary info to find by yourself the relevant places on the maps available online)

  • Signatures: if your ancestors knew how to write, he will be able to show you their original signatures.
  • Any other useful info available on the old documents.
  • Are you interested in this? Write us at or fill this form

    Next picture shows the demographic trends in Palazzo San Gervasio from the Italian Unification (1861).
    This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.


    To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Palazzo San Gervasio. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Palazzo San Gervasio archives, expecially if you have not exact dates (there could be cases of homonymy).
    It’s useful for you to know that the most common surnames in Potenza province are:
    Albano, Bochicchio, Bruno, Calabrese, Caputo, Carlomagno, Carlucci, Cirigliano, Claps, Colangelo, Conte, Cosentino, Coviello, D’Andrea, De Bonis, De Luca, Ferrara, Fortunato, Genovese, Giordano, Grieco, Ielpo, Labanca, Lauria, Lombardi, Lorusso, Marino, Martino, Mecca, Nigro, Nolè, Pace, Pepe, Potenza, Rinaldi, Romaniello, Romano, Rosa, Russo, Sabia, Santarsiero, Santoro, Scavone, Sileo, Summa, Telesca, Vaccaro, Zaccagnino.

    Church Records in Palazzo San Gervasio

    Church archives in Potenza province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
    So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Basilicata started during 1500!

    Parish archives are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
    But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Palazzo San Gervasio on your behalf to gather info about your family history during centuries.

    In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Palazzo San Gervasio:

    S. NICOLA – Corso Manfredi, 14

    SS. CROCIFISSO – Largo Giovanni XXIII

    S. NICOLA – Corso Manfredi, 14

    For our experience, if you plan to come here to visit Palazzo San Gervasio, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
    This because a comprehensive genealogy research is time consuming!

    Starting from home, you will have time to get a complete research avoiding to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
    (Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
    With the results gathered by our genealogist and translated in your language before your arrival, you will have the possibility to plan carefully your visit.
    In this way you will have more free time to enjoy your tour to the roots on your ancestors footsteps.

    Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives of Potenza.

    If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Palazzo San Gervasio area , write to or fill the form here.

    Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.

    If you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Basilicata and of course in Palazzo San Gervasio too.

    Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Palazzo San Gervasio forum:
    if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Palazzo San Gervasio feel free to leave a message below.

    15 thoughts on “Genealogy in Palazzo San Gervasio”

    1. Maria

      Still seeking any info on descendants of Nicola Montanaro, Maria Cosentino Montanaro. Male offspring Rocco, Canio, Michele, John
      Female Angelina, Antonette and Nicoletta

      Also Michele and Angelina Merlino
      Son Daniel

      Thank you most sincerely

    2. Kelly

      My Great-grandfather Amarico D Manieri & my Great-grandmother Clementina Manieri (maiden Name was Servadio) born September 22 1891 in Arpoli, Italy HER Parents were Louis Servadio born abt 1855 (still researching Anasasi’s Maiden Name) and I believe My great Aunt Theresa was also born in Italy BEFORE they came to America in the early 1900’s (I found some strange records as to the “baby” who is thought to have been theresa MIGHT have been MY Grandfather Dominick one of Theresa’s brothers) its on the immagration documents BUT I’m sure if they were born in Italy there MUST be a record as its such a small island THere is also a story of BOTH having been orphans So….again a small island Thank you for any assistance you can provide

    3. Pasquale

      I’m tryn to find out birth. And death of my grand father molino pasquale which he died
      Late 1930′ or early 1940..

    4. Michelle

      I am trying to find information for my Grandparents. My Grandfather was Pasquale DiNardo born April 1, 1909 in Palazzo San Gervasio and went to Canada abt 1950. Pasquale had a sister Lucia born 1900 who went to Brookly, New York abt 1936 and Concetta born possibly 1905 any information for Concetta DiNardo would be greatly appreciate. Pasquale DiNardo’s father was Fransesco DiNardo born unknown death unknown. Pasquale’s mother is unknown. Pasquale DiNardo’s Grandparents were Francesco DiNardo b unknown death unknown. Francesco Pasquale’s Grandfather and wife #1 name unknown had two boys Pasquale and unknown. Pasquale was said to have gone and stayed in Argentina and had 26 children. Francesco DiNardo and wife #2 Lucia Savoia had 15 boys some of them are Savino, Pietro, Vincenzo, Giuseppe, Francesco and Michael and 1 girl Maria. I am missing some important information any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
      Thank you

    5. Patti

      Looking for information on great grandparents. Her name is Lucia Bevilacqua born 31 March 1890 in San Gervasio. She married Dominico Giordano there and they had a child Teressia Giordano born 12 October 1909 in San Gervasio. Lucia and Teressia left 3 September 1912 for New York in the United States.

    6. Joanne

      Need info on savino montanaro born Jan 12 on or around1912
      To maddalena montanaro do not have fathers nameless was born in palazzo San gervasio
      Thank u

    7. Maria

      My mother Nicoletta Montanaro wa born in Palazzo San Gervasio June 28, 1908
      Parents were Nicola Montanaro an Maria Cosentino Montanaro

      She had four brothers Canio, Rocco,Michael and John. Sisters Angelina and Antonette
      Is it possible that there are still distant relatives still living there?
      My father Daniel Merlino’s family also came from there
      Thank you for whatever info is available

      1. Joanne

        My father savino montanaro was born on January 12 on about 1912 his mother was Madeline montanaro do not now his fathers name
        Do you have any info on this have wonder for many years who my grandparents were

      2. Cait

        My great grandfather, originally from palazzo san gervasio, name was Canio too. Different last name though. Weird

    8. Joy

      My great grandfather , Giuseppe D’anzieri was born in Palazzo San Gervase in 1888. His parents were Carmela D’Anzieri & Savino D’anzieri. Do you have any more family records about my ancestors Carmela & Savino? I will be very grateful.
      Thank you.

    9. Karen

      Please help our family put an end to the mystery of our grandfather Savino Montanaro, He came to the United states in 1918, his home town listed on his immigration form is Palazza San Gervasio, his mother is listed as Maddalena Montanaro, they kept in touch until her death, we have no idea who his father is or who her family is. My parents visited his home town in 1983, they found his home and his school, but when asked questions about his mother , her family, or his fathers, they hit a dead end, no one wanted to talk to them about it. We know at one time his mother was from a wealthy family and quite possibly maybe even a nun. Please help us find out who my
      grandfathers family is.

      Thank You

    10. Lorraine

      I am searching for information on my Grandfather, Nicolo Vincenzo Manieri born approximately September 1862 and my Grandmother, Maria Savoia Manieri born approximately April 1878.

      They both listed Palazzo San Gervasio as their home town when they migrated to the U.S. the early part of 1900.

      I plan on visiting San Gervasio in 2017 and would love to have some family history before I visit.

      Thank you so much!
      Warm Regards

    11. chris

      I am researching Palazzo San Gervasio and noticed church records from Potenza of Santissima Trinità, san Gerardo, and San Michele Arcangelo dating back to the 1500’s. Which one if any would have the records for Palazzo San Gervasio and for Albano Di Lucania ?

    12. Frederic

      Hello- I am trying to find any Spione relatives living in Italy. My father, Fred, was born in the US. We were told that the family originally came from Bari or nearby. My father’s brother was Joseph Spione. My brother is Vincent (Vincenzo), my cousin is Angelo; these names appear multiple times in the Italian Spione families. I am an artist, illustrator and painter; it would be interesting to learn of other Spiones with artistic talents. Brother Vincent is a talented (unprofessional) photographer and cousin James Spione is a professional film maler and director.
      Any family history is welcome.

    13. Patti

      I am trying to find out history of my Grandfather, who was born September 2nd or 4th, 1893 in Palazzo San Gervasio. His name is Ruggiero Abbatemarco but Abbatemarco is not his birth last name. Some of the information I have is that his Father was a baron, had an affair with a servant and raised my Grandfather until they parted ways and that is when my Grandfather changed his name to Abbatemarco , his took the last name of the women who took care of him. I believe his birth last name may have been Durico or Del Rico.
      If you have any information, please contact me as soon as possible.
      thank you.

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