Important Update: New Fees for Italian Certificates for Dual Citizenship Applications

Italy has introduced a new law that will affect the cost of obtaining certificates and other civil status documents, particularly for dual citizenship applications. As of January 1 2025, municipalities can now charge a fee of up to €300 for requests of documents older than a century that do not pertain directly to the applicant.

Here’s the exact wording from the Italian law (Article 1, paragraph 637): “I Comuni possono assoggettare le richieste di certificati o di estratti di stato civile formati da oltre un secolo e relativi a persone diverse dal richiedente al pagamento di un contributo amministrativo in misura non superiore a euro 300 per ciascun atto.

This means that many applicants for dual citizenship may face additional costs when requesting certificates of their ancestors.

So we suggest you to carefully understand the exact certificates you need for your dual citizenship application avoiding to request documents unuseful or not mandatory for your case.
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