If you search your ancestors in Montemaggiore Belsito, in the province of Palermo, Sicilia region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town.This is where to start your family history research.
Civil Records in Montemaggiore Belsito
In towns and villages of Sicilia and in Palermo province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Montemaggiore Belsito town hall archives as of that date.
(If your goal is to get your Italian Citizenship and you need official certificates from Montemaggiore Belsito, please follow this link)
So, if your ancestors lived in Montemaggiore Belsito during the past centuries, then you should start your family research from the City Office of Montemaggiore Belsito to know more: our local expert is ready to help you in your research!
Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. They are useful advices to search in Sicilia and of course in Montemaggiore Belsito too!
Next picture shows the demographic trends in Montemaggiore Belsito from the Italian Unification (1861).
This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past.

To go on quickly in your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Montemaggiore Belsito. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Montemaggiore Belsito archives, expecially if you have not exact dates.
It could be useful for you to know that some of the most common surnames in Palermo province are:
Aiello, Amato, Barone, Battaglia, Bruno, Caruso, Catalano, Costa, Cusimano, D’Amico, D’Angelo, Di Maggio, Di Salvo, Ferrante, Ferrara, Gambino, Geraci, Giordano, Greco, La Barbera, La Rosa, Lo Cascio, Lombardo, Macaluso, Mancuso, Maniscalco, Mannino, Marchese, Marino, Martorana, Mazzola, Messina, Mineo, Orlando, Palazzolo, Parisi, Pecoraro, Piazza, Randazzo, Rizzo, Romano, Russo, Sciortino, Siragusa, Taormina, Tarantino, Vassallo, Vitale.
Church Records in Montemaggiore Belsito
Church archives in Palermo province may store even older information. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time!
So in case you would like to go back in centuries, it’s good for you to know that the parish registers in Sicilia started during 1500!
They are far less accessible expecially from abroad and very hard to read and decipher if you are not used and skilled.
But our local genealogists, are graduated in history and archivistics so, with their expertise, they can research the church registers of Montemaggiore Belsito on your behalf.
In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Montemaggiore Belsito:
S. AGATA V. M. – P.zza Basilica
Anyway for our experience, if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival.
In this way you will avoid to waste your holidays in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy .
(Remember that archives are not open to public and officers and priests are not required by law to give you access to the local archives)
With the results gathered by our genealogist before your arrival, you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps.
Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives.
If you are in Sicilia and you are able to decipher old italian handwritten documents you can reach the archive here:
Archivio di Stato di Palermo
Address: Via Vittorio Emanuele, 31 – Palermo
Phone: +39 0912704001 .002 .003
Days and opening hours: monday – friday 08:00 – 18:00 saturday 08:00 – 13:30 weekly closing: Sunday and holidays; no reservation
If you need a professional help from our local genealogist in Montemaggiore Belsito area , write to montemaggiorebelsito@italianside.com or fill the form here.
Our expert will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research.
If you want to read this page in other languages:
– Italiano
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– Portuguese
Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Montemaggiore Belsito forum:
if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Montemaggiore Belsito feel free to leave a message below.
I am looking for Gaetano Mesi, who lived in Montemaggiore, Belsito, Palermo, Sicily, Italy when his sons Sylvestri and Cruciano were born. about 1863 and 1868 respectfully. I would guess Gaetano’s birth to be about 1843 but could be older. I have no name for Gaetano’s wife.
Would appreciate any birth info for the boys and also proof for the father as well if possible.
Doing this for my son in law and granddaughter.
‘Thank you
hello, I’m looking for information about my husband’s great-grandfather, Cruciano (or Crusiano) Arcara. The surname has also been spelled as Arcata and Arcana. He was born around 1856 in Montemaggiore Bdelsito. He married a woman named Maria Infantino who was from Valledolmo on 2/20/1887. I t was noted inthe marriage record that he was from Montemaggiore not Valledolmo. Mille grazie!
Looking for any information on Matteo Vassallo. He was born in 1852, arrived in NY in 1890 on the Entella. He was a shoemaker and had a young apprentice with him.
He had 3 children to Agostina Ciresi prior to emigrating.
Francesco-Frank Vassallo1884
Crocifissia Vassallo- 1887
John A Vassallo – 1888
Ciao! Mio nonno mi parlava spesso di un suo zio emigrato in America. La famiglia Pace è la famiglia di mia mamma.
Can you please let me know what was the name of my great grandmother’s Rosalia Baratta Valvo’s parents born in Montemaggiore Belsito in the 1800’s
I am looking for my Great Grand Father Rosallno/Rosolino Notaro from montemaggiore belsito
born sept 8 1875, death 1945
I nostri preogenitori provenivano da Montemaggiore belsito. Mia madre pregava San Filippo ogni 1 maggio per allontanare i diavoli che circulavano. Ho ricercato su questo e ho scoperto che c’era un San Filippo d’Agira che fu il primo apostolo a venire in Sicilia. Mia madre avrebbe pregato San Filppo uno, San Filippo due ecc. per invocare il Santo per le protezioni contro lo sviluppo.
Può dirmi se c’è qualche legame noto con le preghiere e San Filippo a Montemaggiore?
I am looking for records of a Benedetta Gaillombardi and her sister, Margherita Gaillombardi. As I understand it Margherita went to the US, but Benedetta
remained in Montemaggiore until at least 1946.
Josephine, I am Josephine . I was just reading correspondence from Domenica to her brother, Steven, about Margherita, I was given quite a few letters written by Domenica. My grandfather was Michael Mesi,, son of
Andrea Mesi and Benedette Cipolla,
I am looking for the parents of Frank T Vassallo Born 26Apr1894 in Montemeggore Belsito Cita Metropolitana di Palermo Sicilla Italy. He was my husbands (Thomas Frank Vassallo) Great Great Grandfather. I believe that Frank T. Vassallo arrived in the USA onin 1906, and lived in Buffalo, NY until his death 3Nov1950. Thank you in advance for any help and assistance you can give me.
My grandfather, Frank Vassallo was born on June 26, 1884 in Montemaggiore or Montemaggio, records are difficult to read. He lived in Buffalo where he owned a restaurant known as Italian Garden, then moved to Silver Creek, NY where he owned a tavern/restaurant known as The Bluebird. He died in 1940. records show him arriving in the US in 1908.
His parents are Matteo Vassallo and Agostina Ciresi
One of Franks sons, also named Frank, lived in Jamestown, NY and opened a restaurant.
This might be someone completely different?
I’m looking for information about my grandfather, Angelo Panzarella, he was born 0n June 8, 1893.
We visited Montemaggiore Bellsito 14 years ago. I obtained the wrong information from the records office abd would like to correct
the records for my family
Hey Billy
Joe Here. What did you find out about Angelo?
Looking for information about Santo Giallombardo and his parents Antonina Cascio and Giovanni Giallombardo. He was born 1903 or 1904 in Montemaggiore Belsito and emigrated to Buffalo NY. Thank you in advance.
Hi Lisa my grandmother Sarah Giallombardo (Modica) her parents were Antonina Cascia and G Giallombardo. My grandmother passed at 80 yrs in 1980 in Buffalo NY. My grandmother had two brothers (Sebastian and Samuel and a sister Anna. My grandparents had 7 children, my mother Rosalia (Rose) was her eldest. I am Rose’s daughter Maria born in Buffalo in 1958 and I now reside in Phoenix AZ I’m sure you are related. Sincerely Maria
Absolutely, just saw this wonderful message!! Thank you. I remember the people you’ve mentioned and your mother Rose.
I’m in chicago.
Looking for information on my Grandfather, Philip Mongano or Mangano born in Motemoggiore Belstio. Also for my father Philip Mongano or Mangano and my grandmother Domenica. Looking for birthdates and the date of their marriage and birthday of my father. Hope you can help me. My brother and I are putting together a family tree and history of our Italian family. Any information would be much appreciated.
My grandmothers family lived in Montemaggiore in the 1800’s and early 1900’s her name was Cyrene Minecci also her brother Christ. From what I know they were in banking. My grandfathers family around same time frame is Dominic Palmisano.
Looking for any family in Montemaggio, Sicily
Hi…helping my husband look for the Nasca family from Montemaggiore. Great Grandfather is Albert who came to Rochester Ny probably late 180-early 1900’s. Son is sam and I think onofrio. Some of the family is now in buffalo Ny. Thanks for your help!
Buon giorno amici.
My grandfather, Antonino Buscaglia, was born in Montemaggiore Bel Sito in 1875 , emigrated to the US through New Orleans, and settled in Buffalo where he married Crucifissa Moscato and started a wholesale grocery business called A & C Buscaglia. He had an older sister Francesca who did not emigrate to the US and who I would like to research and find any of her descendants. She was born about 1859. Any information you have about my family would be greatly appreciated.
John C Buscaglia
I am interested in tracing my family history. My Great Grandmother was Viviane Pagno (Zappia) her mother was Benedetta Domenica Nasca from montemaggorie belsito. Benedetti’s father was Isidoro Nasca and her mother was Caterina Graziano. Caterina’s mother was Anna Selafami and her father was Antonino Graziano. Isidro’s father was Vincenzo Nasca and Vincenzo’s Father was Gandolfo Nasca and his Mother was Grazia DiFrancesca. This is as far back as I can trace. I would love any more information regarding going back past 8 generations and anything about my ancestors.
I have your relatives in my ancestry tree but I do not have the name Viviane Zappia as a child of Benedetta Domenica Nasca whose father was Isidoro Nasca. Benedetta married Antonino P. Zappia and they had 12 children. Perhaps, you have a birth and/or death date for Viviane and it might match another name. My great grandfather was Loretto Zappia. My grandfather was Dominico Zappia. I am fairly sure that your relatives are cousins of my grandfather. I remember the name Mamye and that would be under your Zappia line. The Zappia name was changed to Zappie after arriving in U.S.
I am researching my grandmother’s heritage, Josephine Todaro born in 1896 in Montemaggiore to Nicholas Todaro and Bartoloma Meinnici. Are there any relatives still in this town?
Hi Joyce. I am just seeing this message now. My great grandmother and your grandmother (Josephine) were first cousins. Josephine’s father, Nicholas Todaro, and my great grandmother’s father, Ignazio Todaro, were brothers. Brothers, Nicholas and Ignazio Todaro (and their families), all lived in Buffalo, NY. Nicholas and Ignazio worked as barbers there. I started researching the family a few years ago and have found a lot of information.
Hi Josephine. I am also a descendent of the Todaro family from Montemaggiore Belsito. Your grandmother’s father, Nicolo Todaro, and my great grandmother’s father, Ignazio Todaro, were brothers. Nicolo and Ignazio worked as barbers in Buffalo, NY.
Anyone have any information on the Pace family in Montemaggiore? My great-grandfather Salvatore F Pace was born there in 1899. Looking for more information on his family.
My husband relatives came to the Buffalo region from Montemaggiore in early 1920s. The grandfather’s name was Philip (Felipo) Ganci and his wife was Grace (Grazia) Lobracco Ganci. -Very much appreciated!
My grandfather, Filippo Millonzi, emigrated from Montemaggiore Belsito to Buffalo to teach music at the Community Music School in 1910. I’m interested in learning more about his background and life in Buffalo. My grandmother was from Buffalo as well, from an Italian family.
It seems that most immigration was to Buffalo NY from Monemaggiore Belsito. My family landed in New Orleans. Family names are Anzelmo or Anselmo and Sclafini or Sclafani. Sometimes spelling differs. Then my family went from New Orleans to Chicago.
I would appreciate any information as I am planning another trip to Montemaggiore.
My grandparents Nicasia (aka Sasina or Sarah) Cascio (1892-1983) and Mercurio (Mike) Anselmo (aka Anzelmo) (1883-1976) were born in Montemaggiore Belsito, Sicily and grew up within several blocks of each other. They settled in Chicago and had three children.
Sabastiano (Sebastian) Anselmo (1886 – December 20, 1971) my grandfathers brother married Antonina (Marie) Militello. They settled in NY NY and also had three children.
My second visit to the home town was July 2018
Just saw your post. My grandmother was Fortunata Anselmo (Anzelmo?). She married Cruciano Sclafini (Sclafani?). I have visited Montemaggiore twice but was unable to get the information I need to apply for dual citizenship. I think there are Anselmos still in NOLA. Do you have any information about the family?
I am planning a trip to Sicily in October and am interested in any information on my family. My father, Joseph Muscarlla, was born in Montemaggiore to Stefano and Josephine Muscarella. My father was born in 1918 and they left Sicily in approximately 1924 via Ellis Island and then to Buffalo New York. I would love to visit the town and gather any information about the family. Thank you.
Nice to meet you – I’m Grace Muscarella’s (Joseph’s sister) great-granddaughter. Grace Muscarella and Camillo Internicola were my great-grandparents, and Anthony Internicola was my grandpa. I think that makes us first cousins twice removed! Did you travel to Italy in October and see Montemaggiore? I have been working on family history research and would be interested in sharing research findings.
Merry Christmas!
Hi I’m researching the last name Tortorici from Sicily, great grandparents Dominica ( Valvo) and Guisippi ( Tortorice) came to Buffalo Ny from Ellis Island.
My father’s parents, Biagio and Lucille, were from Montemaggiore Belsito, the family name is Muscarella. They left Sicily in the early 1900’s. I discovered a street named Muscarella within the city and would love to know more about my heritage. I’m searching for historical information about the Muscarella family.
Lisa can please contact me by e mail. I have relatives traced back to this town Thanks Mark Moscarello
My Grandfather lived there his name was Anthony Fasso, He moved to Angola, New York in the early 1900’s. My Mom was born in 1926 and she wasn’t the oldest. I think my Aunt Margaret was born in 1920 so I’d say he left there around 1915… We are going to visit next year and I wonder if there are a lot of Fasso’s still there? I’m going to reach out to my cousins here and see if I can get more info….
Hi. My friend is looking for her fasio relatives from italy. Any info would be appreciated.
Hello, i was told that my grandfather’s parents came from Montemaggiore, Sicily. They went through Ellis Island and came to buffalo. Their name here is Cirringione, but I’m told they changed it from Cirrinccione for phonetic reasons. First names were Nunzia and Salvatore. I believe they came to the U.S. Around 1912. I knew Nunzia, but never met Salvatore. Nunzia was about 14 years old when she married, and I believe she was born in 1888
I plan on returning to Sicily next year and would love to know if i have any relatives in Palermo.
I went to cefalu in 2008, however, next trip i will visit Montemaggiore.
One other bit of information i have is that my grandfather, Albert Cirringione, had cousins in Chicago.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Yours, Heather
I am looking for information on a Matteo Peri. born around July 23 1879 in Montemaggiore,Belsito, Paleremo, Sicily , Italy . His mother was Carmela Peri. No father listed. Carmela was a 23 yr old peasant and was placed in the home of amigo Giusippe. Matteo served in the army in 1901. He married Domenica Barone from Alimusa, Palermo,Sicily, Italy. It appears after he was married his name changed to Maggiore. Do you have any marriage documents. I am interested in any information you have. Possible father’s name. Any siblings?Is Peri the correct surname and when did it change to Maggiore. He moved to America and lived in Buffalo New York. Matteo is my greatgrandfather.
My husnand’s relatives (grandparents) came from Montemaggiore Belsito to Buffalo, NYin the early 1900s. Am interested in any existing or historical famly information. Names: Filippo (Philip) Ganci, Grazia (Grace) Lobracco Ganci.
Any help is very much appreciated…Thanks!
I believe my paternal grandfather, Biaggio Muscarella, 1896 – 1962, was from Montemaggiore Belsito. I think he left Sicily for the US around 1910. I plan to visit the town with my husband while we are vacationing in Sicily. Any known information about the Muscarella family and the woman (my grandmother) Biaggio married would be appreciated.
Hi Lisa I have been trying to get in touch with you I have found some information for you.
Hi Jennifer, Do you have information about the Muscarella family from Montemaggiore Belsito?
My maternal grandparents are from the Montemaggiore Sicilia area. His name was Phillip Militello. He was born about 1881 and later married a woman named Crucifixia Felice who was born about 1883. My name is Stephen Macaluso. Any information is appreciated.
You are speaking of my Great Grand parents. They settled in Farnham NY. My Grandmother was their first child, Anna.
Hi, my mother’s family name was Militello. Father’s name Salvatore and mother’s fillipe. We’re trying to find out if there are any records of our family in your area. Thanks
My grandmother was a Militello. We are all somehow related as my family is all in Brant/Farnham and my parents still live there. My grandmother married a Fininzio. I am also wondering if there are any relatives that still live there in Italy.
My Great-Grandfather Giovanni Zagara came to the U.S. around 1918 w/his younger brother. There are a lot of similarities to the above stories-they came via a “sponsor” to Buffalo, NY and then his younger brother ended up moving to Rochester. I believe their Father or Grandfather was the headmaster of a school in or around Palermo. Also my Great-Great Grandmother was from Spain and I would LOVE to know her maiden name. My Father tells me that his Grandfather used to tell him his relatives were “desert wanderers” LOL…I don’t know what that means. Does that make any sense to anyone out there?
My great grandfather: ,Cosmo Zappia was from. He has 4 Brothers
& one sister. Looking for family! Thx.
I will be visiting in September trying to find relatives in Montemaggiore Belsito. Both of my grandparents families on my mothers side were born there. Here are the surnames:
Birtola, Biondolillo, and Greatparents – Faso & Scaccia
Can you help me seek out records when I am there?
I too descend from Scaccia! Did you learn anything in Sicily?
Interesting. Going back five generations to great-great grandparents, Giovanni Battisto Caruso was married to Carmela Scaccia in the 1800s and they had several children, including Ignatius Caruso, who married Beatrice Fiorello. They had six children – John, Joseph, Carmela, Josephine, Angela, and Mary. Angela was my grandmother. After Ignatius’ death in the early 1900s, Beatrice and her family immigrated to the United States and settled in Buffalo, New York, where my mother was born.
I visited Montemaggiore in 2016 and, with the help of a guide, found records of the births of Ignatius’ sisters to Giovanni Caruso and Carmela Scaccia Caruso. I was unable to find birth records for my grandmother or her siblings or death record for Ignatius.
My great great Grandfather, Carmelo Patti was born in Montemaggiore on Aug 19, 1875. He later moved to Buffalo and passed away on Jan 19th, 1946 according to our family’s records. We have heard his father’s name was Lorenzo Patti born around 1850. If you have any information about Carmelo, Lorenzo, or his unknown mother, I would be greatly appreciative!
In response to Tina, May 16, 2016. My grandmother Maria Nunzia Runfola was born in Montemaggiore in 1884. She had two sisters, her oldest was Grazia who had at least one son Cruciano Runfola. The belief is that Grazia must have married a Runfola. It is also believed that Cruciano was married and had 5 or 6 children. Grazia stayed in Montemaggiore. My grandmother, Maria Nunzia Runfola came to Buffalo, New York in 1900 with her parents and one brother Francesco b. 1888 and sister Crocifissa Runfola b.1882. Crocifissa stayed in Buffalo and my grandmother Maria moved to Rochester in 1910 and remained in Rochester until her death in 1973. I was struck by the same name and town, but perhaps it was a common name. My family still lives in Rochester, New York.
I’m looking for information about my Great Great Grandfather and His wife… Cruciano Runfola born in Montemaggiore August 22, 1824. He married Santa Ortolano who I understand was much younger than he was (I don’t know when she was born). It would be great to find out the names of their parents and if they had brothers and sisters. I know they had a son (my Great Grandfather) named Angelo who was born February 16, 1880. It makes sense that my great great grandmother was much younger than her husband since he would have been 56 years old when he fathered Angelo. Any information you can provide me with about my family would be most amazing!
Thank you in advance!
My grandparents Sebastian and Anna Ciappa Notaro were born in Montimaggiore.
Her mother was Benisena Geraci.
My grandparents lived in Buffalo, New York.
Grandfather had 2 brothers snd have not been able to locate their families or wbere threy came to in America.
My great grandfather(from what I recall) is from Montemaggiore his name Giovanni Zagara came to the U.S. about 1918. His Father was(I’ve been told)in charge of a school. Any info on any Zagara family in Montemaggiore.
My paternal grand parents where Antonio Cardinale and Gesualda Marchesano. They had sons in the USA named Joseph and Frank (Franco). Are there I am trying to confirm they are from this town and any other information?
My maternal grandmother Cyrene Minecci and her brother Christ Minecci were from the Montemaggiore Belisto area and traveled to the USA around 1915-1919. All I knowbis there family were bankers. Any iformation would be helpful. Thankyou,
Cecelia Rasile
Our grandfather, Joseph Parisi and his wife, Carmella DiPasquale Parisi came to Buffalo, NY USA from Montemaggiore Belsito in the early 20th century. Do you have any records of them?
I’d appreciate any information you could give me.
Hi Ellen,
I was researching by maternal grandfather, Joseph Sparacio, who came to the US from Montemaggiore Belsito in 1885. His daughter and my mother, Margaret, married Joseph DiPasquale in Buffalo, New York. My father, who passed away in 1976, was the youngest of eight and one of his older sisters was Carmella. My Aunt Carmella (DiPasquale) was married to Harry Cappellini, and this is where the commonality seems to diverge because as far as I know my Aunt Carmela did not marry twice.
Just thought you might be interested in hearing from a DiPasquale.
My grandfather Pasquale Ralabate (Realbuto) was born (think) on 22 may 1875 in Montemaggiore Belsito or nearby. He married Josephine Militello (do you have date of birth) and they had a daughter Laura, emigrated to U S 1900 where name was changed at Ellis Island.
My great great grandmother was born 12/8/1861 in Montemaggiore. Her name, Concettina Cascio (could it be lo Cascio). Her parents were Francesco Cascio and Marianna Damiano. She married Ingazio Muscarella, born 3/28/1959. They were married in 1886. Was it common to be married in the town of the bride? They migrated to the US around 1901.
My cousin will be there in September this year. Would love to give her some connections to look for while she is there.
Hi Pam, I am also Pam and my family is also from the Cascio/Damiano lines! would love to share our research if you are interested. I am heading to Sicily in 2020 with several cousins. We have a reunion next month in the Tampa Bay area and would love to share some facts with them. Look forward to hearing from you!
I am researching the Panzarella family in Montemaggiore Belsito. My grandfather was born there in the 1890s and came to Chicago when he was a young man. His name was Giuseppe Antonio but I think he used Joe (Joseph Anthony) when he came to America. It is my hope to visit Sicily next summer and hope to do some research. Can you tell me where I should start? I do have some relatives I am going to try to reach out to as well.
Thank you,
My mothers uncle was Aloysius Panzarella,married to Rosalia Cascio, all lived in Montemaggorie.The above had 5 children.
I am with my mother whose maiden name is Rita Panzarella. Her father was Vincent (Innocenzo) Panzarella. He was born in 1899 and migrated to the U.S. around 1920 from Montemaggiore Belsito.
She remembers a Joe Panzarella from Chicago who would be in his 90’s. He kept in touch with my uncle Vince Panzarella. In fact I remember my uncle traveling to Chicago to get cheese and bring it back. Joe Panzarella was at my parents 50th wedding anniversary in 2001.I don’t know if they are the same family but the odds are good. My mother is going to try and find a copy of the family tree and I will contact you with more info if you would like.
My father is Giuseppe Maggio. He is the son of Agostino Maggio and Maria Surdi. My father was born at the same address on March 12, 1933. His father Agostino Maggio (my grandfather) was also born at the same address. I am looking for information regarding my family past history both Maggio and Surdi. Can anyone help me? Thank you, I truely appreciate it.
Hi Maria, My GGF was Bartolomeo from Montemaggiore Belsito. He had many siblings and was born in 1868 and came to the US in the late 1890’s and eventually moved to Buffalo, NY then to Los Angeles CA. Were you able to find any Maggio family members? My GGF married Rosalia Amato from Casteldaccia
My wife, Jean Imburgia and I will visit in September. Her grandparents, Basilio Imburgia and Rosaria Cirrito, left for the USA in August 1913. Basilio may have left a sister, Giuseppa Imburgia behind. We will be looking for ny possible family connections when we visit. Any help ahead of time would be greatly appreciated
Bob & Jean O’Rourk