This database collects the old names of the Italian towns changed during the past 150 years.
From the Italian Unification (1861) around 5000 villages changed their names, were abandoned or were connected to other nearby towns.
You can try to search here if you were not able to find the name of your village in the Italian towns and villages database
With this database, ItalianSide.com tries to help you in your researches about Italy.
If you are not sure of the exact name of the village you are searching for, or if you are not sure of its spelling, you can search for partial names too (minimum 3 characters).
Please remember that in this database you will find ONLY OLD names of italian villages.
If your ancestor’s village exists today and it didn’t change its name in the past 150 years, you will not find it here but you should search in our main Italian villages database.